ashworth EC390 exam 2
Children’s Literature Online
Exam 2
100.0/ 100.0 Points
Question 1 of 20
Picture books are usually written on a __________ reading
A. kindergarten
B. first-grade
C. third-grade
D. fifth-grade
Question 2 of 20
A skilled poetry reader emphasizes the meaning and
__________ of the words.
A. rhyme
B. rhythm
C. definition
D. pronunciation
Question 3 of 20
In creating a positive atmosphere for story hour, it’s a
good idea to:
A. establish a set
time, which conveys the message that story time is an important part of the
B. have children sit
in the same order, so they’re less tempted to disrupt.
C. designate a
regular reader to maintain listening continuity.
D. ring a bell or
flicker the lights to indicate when story time is about to take place.
Question 4 of 20
To establish the idea that books are written by real people,
make a point to introduce the:
A. author,
illustrator, and publisher.
B. title, author,
and publisher.
C. title, author,
and illustrator.
D. illustrator,
publisher, and title.
Question 5 of 20
Mrs. Edwards read Owl Moon to her class. As she read, she
paused from time to time to allow the children time to think about the story.
She used a different voice for each character. When she finished, she asked
questions that helped her students understand the story better and to discuss
it with her. Mrs. Edwards exhibited:
A. storytelling.
B. narrative
C. visual literacy.
D. scaffolding
Question 6 of 20
When Monica looked at her picture book and gained meaning
from the illustrations, endpapers, and title page, she was improving her:
A. visual literacy.
B. narrative
interpretation skills.
C. cultural
D. scaffolding
Question 7 of 20
The most frequently used method of sharing literature with
children is:
A. engaging in
literature activities.
B. watching videos.
C. making up their
own stories.
D. reading stories
Question 8 of 20
Storytelling for babies to two year olds should encompass:
A. funny stories.
B. rhymes and songs.
C. short stories.
D. make believe
Question 9 of 20
The ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality
corresponds with a peak interest in fairy tales around ages:
A. two to four.
B. seven to nine.
C. four to six.
D. nine to eleven.
Question 10 of 20
Storytellers should:
A. avoid using
props, such as puppets or feltboard, because they deflect attention away from
the words and actions.
B. memorize every
word and gesture just as an actor would learn a role in a play.
C. maintain constant
eye contact with the children and adapt the story to their reactions.
D. not rehearse at
all so that the story will sound fresh and unstilted.
Question 11 of 20
When telling a story and using a feltboard, one of the
teacher’s prime concerns is:
A. sequence.
B. plot.
C. theme.
D. setting.
Question 12 of 20
The key to successfully sharing stories with toddlers is to:
A. keep them engaged
through participation.
B. keep them interested
by using different voices.
C. use big books
with big print.
D. use books with
bright pictures.
Question 13 of 20
The clarity of the voices, prints, pictures, sound effects,
and music in media make up its:
A. interactivity.
B. authenticity.
C. literary merit.
D. technical
Question 14 of 20
Before showing a DVD it is important to:
A. explain the DVD
to the students.
B. prepare questions
to ask after the DVD.
C. be sure that all
of the equipment is working and ready.
D. make popcorn for
the class.
Question 15 of 20
When a story is adapted to a different medium such as a DVD:
A. it becomes easier
for children to understand.
B. it does not
necessarily become easier for children to understand.
C. it is improved.
D. it loses its
Question 16 of 20
Teachers and child care providers can help children
understand what they are watching by:
A. talking to kids
about what they think it means and why.
B. telling students
what it means.
C. having students
watch something several times.
D. having students
watch different versions of the same thing.
Question 17 of 20
What sets interactive media apart from books and videos?
A. It is exciting by
B. It is engaging.
C. It has a climax.
D. It is nonlinear
in structure.
Question 18 of 20
With both books and other forms of media it is important for
teachers to:
A. set a purpose for
viewing and listening.
B. set a serious
tone for their students.
C. provide
guidelines for use.
D. set a limit on
the amount of use.
Question 19 of 20
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of having an aide
or volunteer read to only one child:
A. The aide can allow
the child to retell the story.
B. The child’s
involvement with the story can be maximized.
C. The child will be
unfocused worrying about what the other students are doing.
D. The aide can talk
about the story with the child.
Question 20 of 20
As a teacher it is your job to:
A. choose the books
for volunteers and aids to read.
B. give your
volunteers rigid explanation of how to interact with the students.
C. train your
volunteers and aids and build on their unique skills.
D. give your
volunteer or aide a timer to use when interacting with a group of students.