Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom. Cambridge
Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress.Question 1 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 1 options:a)Jeff Bezos who iof Amazon.comthe next five yeadrones to deliverb)Jeff Bezos, whoof,the next five yeadrones to deliverc)Jeff Bezos, whoof Amazon.comthe next five yeadrones to deliverd)Jeff Bezos who iof,the next five yeadrones to deliverSaveQuestion 2 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 2 options:a), whretailer, has growthe last five yearb) whretailer has growthe last five yearc) tharetailer has growthe last five yeard) whretailer, has growthe last five yearSaveQuestion 3 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 3 options:a)b)Retailers who seexperienced, that seexperienced, whichexperienced that seexperienced 4 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 4 options:a)Companies, whicas Amazon.comgroundbreakingdrones.b)Companies, dogroundbreakingdrones.c)Companies dogroundbreakingdrones.d)Companies whicas Amazon.comgroundbreakingdrones.SaveQuestion 5 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 5 options:a)b)The drones, whicthat are five poutested now by AmThe drones thatthat are five poutested now by Amc)The drones whicthat are five poutested now by Amd)The drones whicthat are five poutested now by AmSaveQuestion 6 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 6 options:a)The goal of this nwhich will be impdeliver packagesminutes of the cub)The goal of this nwhich will be impdeliver packagesminutes of the cuc)The goal of this nwhich will be impdeliver packagesminutes of the cud)The goal of this nwhich will be impdeliver packagesminutes of the cuSaveQuestion 7 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 7 options:a)The Federal Avia(FAA) which oveStates must appfrom Amazon.cob)The Federal Avia(FAA) that oversStates must appfrom Amazon.coc)The Federal Avia(FAA) which oveStates, must appproject from Amad)The Federal Avia(FAA), which oveUnited States, mproject from AmaSaveQuestion 8 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 8 options:a)The FAA is desigthat will help coovehicles, such asb)The FAA is desigwhich will help caerial vehicles, sdrones.c)The FAA is desigwhich, will help caerial vehicles, sdrones.d)The FAA is desigwhich will help caerial vehicles, sdrones.SaveQuestion 9 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 9 options:a)In this system, thhoused at one ocenters is progratrack, pick up a pthe customer’s pb)In this system, thhoused at one ocenters is progratrack, pick up a pthe customer’s pc)In this system, thhoused at one ocenters, is progrtrack, pick up a pthe customer’s pd)In this system, thhoused at one ocenters, is progrtrack, pick up a pthe customer’s pSaveQuestion 10 (1 point)Please select the item that features the correct use of punctuation for the adjective clauseQuestion 10 options:a)The drone that hpackage will thenand take off backwhich it came.b)The drone that hpackage will thenand take off backwhich it came.c)The drone, whichpackage, will theand take off backwhich it came.d)The drone, that hpackage, will theand take off backwhich it came.