Government insurances and payment expectations
Write a 3-4 page paper (not including title and reference pages) on the following: Which means, This needs a Title Page, Abstract, Conclusion, ALL References (At least 2 Credible), ALL Citing where necessary!!! The Body needs to have at least 3-4 pages or more (can be double spaced) ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM!!!! I will pay $10-$15 for this paper!The Objective of this assignment is Assess the major reimbursement sources, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurance that affect all providers!Government insurances and payment expectationsCommercial insurances and payment expectationsLiability insurances and payment expectationsSelf-pay/cash pay patients and payment expectations.Focus on the ways in which these types are different from one another and what you as the medical business professional might need to know about the types of programs in order to bill, collect, account and project financial expectations. Do they have different rules? Are the patients responsible for more or less of the balance? Can you reasonably reduce the charges for a self-pay patient? Do you need to be comfortable with contract language for the others?Consider that your payer mix is the basic determinant for much of your financial projections as you review and prepare this material