Capella RESO 5075 -The organization and some of its current HRM
Six short weeks ago, you stepped into CapraTek to begin an assessment of the organization and some of its current HRM strategies in order to make recommendations for strengthening alignment. In just three weeks, your report is due, and the owners of your consulting firm have asked to see a preliminary report of your findings.Refer to the assignment description and scoring guide to review the criteria that will be used to grade your work.Remember, this is the halfway point in the contract so it will be important to demonstrate your ability to analyze the organization using appropriate data and assessing current HRM practices. Synthesize your wealth of knowledge about organizational effectiveness, quality management, moral and legal implications of HRM strategies, recruiting and diversity, and so on into a sophisticated preliminary report of findings.Please prepare a one-page executive summary of your preliminary report and present it as the first page of the full report. The 4–6-page count will not include the executive summary.Assignment RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.Number of resources: 3–5 resources.Font and font size: Times New Roman 12-point.Print Course Project – Preliminary Findings ReportScoring Guide Due Date: End of Unit 6.Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.Course Project – Preliminary Findings Report Scoring Guide Grading RubricNonCriteriaBasicProficientDistinguishedperformance Describemethodology forevaluating howHRM strategiesare aligned to firmstrategies.16% Does not describemethodology forevaluating howHRM strategiesare aligned to firmstrategies. Identifies, ratherthan describes,methodology forevaluating howHRM strategiesare aligned tofirm strategies. Describesmethodologyfor evaluatinghow HRMstrategies arealigned to firmstrategies. Describes methodologyfor evaluating how HRMstrategies are aligned tofirm strategies andprovides justification forselecting thatmethodology, supportedby current academicresearch. Evaluate howHRM strategiesare linked to firmstrategy in aglobalenvironment.16% Does not evaluatehow HRMstrategies arelinked to firmstrategy in aglobalenvironment. Outlines, but doesnot evaluate, howHRM strategiesare linked to firmstrategy in aglobalenvironment. Evaluates howHRM strategiesare linked tofirm strategy ina globalenvironment. Evaluates how HRMstrategies are linked tofirm strategy in a globalenvironment; citescurrent academicresearch to support theevaluation. Evaluate theimpact of HRMstrategies onorganizationaleffectivenesstrends andoutcomes.17%Evaluate theimpact of strategicHRM practices onorganizationalethics anddiversity. Describes, ratherDoes not evaluatethan evaluates,the impact ofthe impact ofHRM strategiesHRM strategieson organizationalon organizationaleffectivenesseffectivenesstrends andtrends andoutcomes.outcomes. Evaluates the impact ofEvaluates theHRM strategies onimpact of HRM organizationalstrategies oneffectiveness trends andorganizational outcomes and offers aeffectivenesspossible explanation astrends andto why current HRMoutcomes.strategies wereimplemented. Does not evaluatethe impact ofstrategic HRMpractices onorganizationalethics and Evaluates theimpact ofstrategic HRMpractices onorganizationalethics and Discusses, butdoes not evaluate,the impact ofstrategic HRMpractices onorganizational Evaluates the impact ofstrategic HRM practiceson organizational ethicsand diversity and apossible explanation asto why current HRM Criteria 17% Nonperformancediversity. Basicethics anddiversity. Proficient diversity. DescribesDescribe HRM Does not describe Lists, but does notHRM strategiesstrategies that will HRM strategiesdescribe, HRMthat willpotentiallythat willstrategies that willpotentiallyadvance firmpotentiallypotentiallyadvance firmcompetiveness. advance firmadvance firmcompetitivenes17%competitiveness. competitiveness.s. Communicateprofessionallywith allstakeholders.17% Does notcommunicateprofessionallywith allstakeholders. Communicationefforts areinconsistent anddo not employproper use ofgrammar andmechanics. Communicatesprofessionallywith allstakeholders. Distinguishedstrategies wereimplemented.Describes HRMstrategies that willpotentially advance firmcompetitiveness andoffers a rationale foridentifying thosestrategies, supported bycurrent academicresearch.Communicatesprofessionally with allstakeholders;consistently employsproper grammar andmechanics throughoutthe paper;communication effortsare appropriate to theselect audience.