Psychology Research Paper – OCD
Write a Research PaperOCD present a thorough overview of the disorder. Assume your audience has no prior knowledge of thisdisorder; therefore, be sure your explanations are relevant to your audience. Support your analysis withat least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (not including the course text) that were published withinthe last five years. Your Final Paper must at least 8 pages in length, not including title page or references.Also, the paper must be in APA and have a a title page, page numbers, references in the body of yourpaper and a reference page.Your paper should include the following:1. Define the disorder and its main symptoms.2. Describe who is most likely to have this disorder with regard to age, gender, social class and ethnicity.3. Summarize the risk factors (biological, psychological, and/or social) for this disorder.4. Describe the relationship between this disorder and other disorders.5. Evaluate recommended treatments for the disorder and the likelihood of success or possibleoutcomes for each treatment.6. List five references (include both print and web-based sources) that would provide more informationfor individuals with this disorder. Give the citation for the source as well as a two to three sentencedescription for each resource. This list of support resources will not count toward the required resourcesfor your paper.