The papers’ subjects are Gestalt Therapy
The papers’ subjects are Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, and Behavior Therapy3pages, reference page, quotations, We are using Corey, Gerald. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Pyschotherapy. 9th ed. and answer the questions below.1. Freud’s model is based on a deterministic view of human nature: the person isdetermined by psychic energy, unconscious motives, and childhood experiences.Do you agree with this view? What are its implications for counseling from aChristian perspective2. Do you think that a system of counseling and psychotherapy is complete if it doesnot account for such concepts as the unconscious, ego-defense mechanisms, andthe critical influences of one’s current personality? Explain your position.3. As you review the eight stages of human development, what can you learn aboutcritical turning points, or life crises, in your own life? Mention one importantcrisis you faced and how you dealt with it. What impact do you think it will haveon your ability to deal with clients with similar struggles?4. Do you believe that, unless you take death seriously, life has little meaning?Please explain from a spiritual stand-point.5. Would you be able to refrain from making value judgments if you client had alife-style that was radically different from yours? What if you client’s values andbeliefs contradicted your own?