BIOLOGY 101-The percent of licensed U.S. drivers
January 11th, 2018
Use the following information to answer the next two exercises. The percent of licensed U.S. drivers (from a recent year) thatarefemaleis48.60.Ofthefemales,5.03%areage19andunder;81.36%areage20–64;13.61%areage65orover.Of the licensed U.S. male drivers, 5.04% are age 19 and under; 81.43% are age 20–64; 13.53% are age 65 or over.124. Suppose that 10,000 U.S. licensed drivers are randomly selected.a. How many would you expect to be male?b. Using the table or tree diagram, construct a contingency table of gender versus age group.c. Using the contingency table, find the probability that out of the age 20–64 group, a randomly selected driver is female.