Project Management-The individual case is designed to test writing skills
The individual case is designed to test writing skills, critical thinking, and understandingof ethical issues faced by a firm. This case focuses on one, privately held firm, SierraNevada Brewing Company.FormatThe paper is to be no longer than 5, singlespaced pages not including references orfigures. Use 12point font, portrait orientation, and oneinch margins. Every piece ofinformation you collect from a source that is not your own brain must be cited. Pleaseuse endnotes to cite the paper and include a Works Cited page. Figures need to be placedin the body of the text.You will need to do some research on the company and its competitors. Use Hoover’s,Lexis Nexus, and Standard & Poors Net Advantage databases through this librarywebpage: structure the paper as follows:I.One to two paragraph background of the case.II.Vision and Mission statementsa. Sierra Nevada does not have a current mission or vision statement. Createthe statements for them using the guidelines from the textbook.III.Matrices and their resultsa. EFEb. IFEc. CPM using their two closest competitors. Do not use the larger brewerieslike Anheuser Bush or Coors.d. SWOTe. SPACE You will need to research a similar size, publicly traded firm forthe dataf. Grand Strategy Matrixg. Using Porter’s five generic strategies, tell what their generic strategy is.h. Complete a QSPM using three different alternative strategiesIV.V.Include one to two paragraphs on their environmental sustainability initiativesincluding what they did with the solar array.In your analysis, consider whether or not ROI should be the deciding factorwhen choosing to invest in environmentally appropriate technologyinstallations. Consider what issues or influences other than ROI may comeinto play in making CSR decisions. SNBC is a privately held company. Doyou think Grossman’s environmental initiatives would be different if SNBCwere a public company? Should Ken Grossman have completed the finalphase of the solar installation? Why or why not?What does your analysis suggest for SNBC and Grossman moving forward?VI.Works CitedSupplemental readings:Boatright J.R. 1999. Does business ethics rest on a mistake? Business EthicsQuarterly 9(4): 583–591.Friedman, M. 1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase profits. TheNew York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970.Trevino, L., Hartman, L. & Brown, M. 2000. Moral person and moral manager: Howexecutives develop a reputation for ethical leadership. California ManagementReview 42 (4): 128142.Orsato, R. 2006. Competitive environmental strategies: When does it pay to be green?California Management Review 48 (2): 127143.