UT Arlington MARK 3324 – Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Ethics and CorporateResponsibilityMARK 5328 Did This Start with Enron? Ethics started a long time ago Philosophers like Aristotle, Plato,Cicero, and Yogi Berra Enron was visible, but also considerWorldcom/MCI, Adelphia, Bill Clinton “But we must remember that goodlaws, if they are not obeyed, do notconstitute good government. Hencethere are two parts of goodgovernment; one is the actualobedience of citizens to the laws, theother part is the goodness of thelaws which they obey…” (Aristotle,Politics 1294a3-6). Why have a Code of Ethics? to define accepted/acceptable behaviors;to promote high standards of practice;to provide a benchmark for members to use forself evaluation;to establish a framework for professional behaviorand responsibilities;as a vehicle for occupational identity;as a mark of occupational maturity;” (from the website ofLife Skills Coaches Association of BC) What Are Ethics? What Are Ethics?Personal and corporate guideposts Doing the right thing Ethical checklist ––––––– Relevant informationInvolvementConsequencesFairnessEnduring valuesUniversalityLight-of-day How Do You Know? How How do you know you are ethical? can you demonstrate it toothers? Corporate Ethics Social ––– responsibility and philanthropy Bill and Melinda Gates foundationLargest foundation everFocuses on education Environmental responsibility – Conserving the world around us– “Green” efforts Codes Come in All Flavors The company has established a code of conduct,a set of ethical principles, supported by detailedstandards of business conduct. The ethicalprinciples of the company(integrity, respect, teamwork, quality, innovationand citizenship)are the foundation for ethical conduct. Thecompany’s Standards of Business Ethics andConduct booklet provides a clear road map foremployees to follow in their daily work. Eachemployee is a critical link in the chain ofexcellence and acknowledges his or herresponsibility under the code.(Raytheon) Dell Computer Key elements of their code of ethics – Trust – keep commitments– Integrity – do the right thing withoutcompromise– Honesty – what we say is true andforthcoming– Judgment – think before we act and considerconsequences– Respect – treat people with dignity and valuetheir contributions– Courage – speak up for what is right– Responsibility – accept the consequences Who Is This?ValuesOur company’s foundation is built on ourvalues, which distinguish us and guide ouractions. We conduct our business in a sociallyresponsible and ethical manner. We respectthe law, support universal human rights,protect the environment, and benefit thecommunities where we work.IntegrityWe are honest with others and ourselves. Wemeet the highest ethical standards in allbusiness dealings. We do what we say we willdo. We accept responsibility and hold ourselvesaccountable for our work and our actions. DiversityWe learn from and respect the cultures in which wework. We value and demonstrate respect for theuniqueness of individuals and the variedperspectives and talents they provide. We have aninclusive work environment and actively embrace adiversity of people, ideas, talents and experiences.IngenuityWe seek new opportunities and out-of-the-ordinarysolutions. We use our creativity to find unexpectedand practical ways to solve problems. Ourexperience, technology, and perseverance enableus to overcome challenges and deliver value. TrustWe trust, respect and support each other, andwe strive to earn the trust of our colleaguesand partners. Protecting People and the EnvironmentWe place the highest priority on the health andsafety of our workforce and protection of ourassets and the environment. We aim to be admiredfor world-class performance through disciplinedapplication of our Operational ExcellenceManagement System. PartnershipWe have an unwavering commitment to beinga good partner focused on building productive,collaborative, trusting and beneficialrelationships with governments, othercompanies, our customers, our communitiesand each other. High PerformanceWe are committed to excellence in everything wedo, and we strive to continually improve. We arepassionate about achieving results that exceedexpectations — our own and those of others. Wedrive for results with energy and a sense ofurgency. Chevron/Texaco Who is This? As a company, and as individuals, we valueintegrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence,constructive self-criticism, continual selfimprovement, and mutual respect. We arecommitted to our customers and partners andhave a passion for technology. We take on bigchallenges, and pride ourselves on seeing themthrough. We hold ourselves accountable to ourcustomers, shareholders, partners, andemployees by honoring our commitments,providing results, and striving for the highestquality. Microsoft Your Personal Code of Ethics Worth 5 extra credit points Due next Monday Must be present today (April 6) andnext Monday (April 13) to play Typed, double spaced, one page max Your own elements that resoundstrongly with you Personally signed by you