What was beneficial about the book
2. You are required to write an essay about the book, “Doing Honest Work in College: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success”, by Charles Lipson. You must obtain your own copy of the book, at your own expense, either through a library, on-line, or through a bookstore. This paper should be at least 1,250 words and address the following questions:• What was beneficial about the book? What about the book was not beneficial?• What insight did you gain about yourself from reading the book?• What did you learn from the author that you could apply to your own life?• Mr. Lipson’s book is about academic integrity. Why does academic integrity matter? • Mr. Lipson also provides some basic points to consider when using the Internet for research. What are they and what suggestions does he offer to handle these problems? • While in college, do you consider how your actions and lifestyle choices will affect you in the future? If yes, how does this affect your behavior? If no, why not?• List the priorities you have in school, starting with the most important to you continuing down to the least important. Where do academics fall on that list?• What insight have you gained in regard to your behavior, communication style, relationships, and perspective in life?• What steps are you going to take to better manage your time?• Would you recommend that I have students read this book for similar violations? Please explain.You should consider this paper to be no different than one you would submit to a professor for class. This paper may not serve to justify your own actions nor evaluatethe actions of others. This paper must be typewritten and double-spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point font, and appropriate citations