Filial Piety in Confucianism
Annotated Bibliography – Topic is Filial Piety in Confucianism. The paper explains and introduces filial piety (in confucianism) and also introduces western filial piety and compares the two. Then, the paper talks about modern filial piety in china and the world and discusses future issues. Directions below:The annotated bibliography should have 5-8 entries. It is alright if you later decide to use some but not all of the sources. In 1-2 pages (single space), provide the following information:1. Source Entry (APA/MLA format)2. Summary (informative) 2-3 sentences3. Reason for Use: (evaluative) Please state why the source is interesting or helpful to you, and how you are going to use it. In other words, use 2-3 sentences toa. Suggest the source’s usefulness to your researchb. Your reactions to the source4. Quotes (Optional) If you find ideas in the source that are memorably phrased or surprisingly expressed, and you think you might use them as actual quotations in your essay, copy the exact words.Entry 1SummaryReason for UseEntry 2SummaryReason for Use