What we desperately need is a more intelligent and effective approach
Assignment, then the two essays are below the assignment.Evaluating Complex ArgumentsIn this exercise, you will evaluate the essays given in the textbook by applying creative thinking to propose a set of solutions to a problem.Assessment Directions:Read the following two essays given on pages 224 and 225 of your textbook, The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought:If You Don’t Like It, Don’t FlyWe’ll Never Win Playing Catch UpEvaluate each essay using the information on recognizing complex arguments and evaluating an argument, given on pages 216218 of your textbook.Look for any errors in the logic associated with the two essays.Submission Requirements:Submit your response in a Microsoft Word document of the following specifications:Length: 500 wordsCitation Style: APA1st Essay: If You Don’t Like It, Don’t FlyBy Brian CostelloNo one enjoys waiting in securitylines, emptying pockets, removing shoes, and the rest of the airport rou- tine, including body scanning and pat- downs. But sensible people accept the procedures as necessary in the age of terrorism. They regard the inconve- nience as the price of safety.Alas, not everyone is sensible. Many people are so obsessed with their rights, imagined as well as real, that they cant appreciate that the scanning procedures protect them. They worry more about people seeing beneath their clothes or putting their hands too close to their private parts than about being blown to bits at 40,000 feet. Thats beyond paranoia. Its insanity.Ironically, if there were no such procedures and terrorists caused a plane to crash, those same nuts who are now protesting about invasions of privacy would be the first ones to blame Congress and the President for not protecting them.Instead of assuming the worst about the TSA and the entire Home- land Security Agency, we ought to acknowledge that everything they do is based on information that has not been made publicintelligence reports about the latest terrorist tactics and even specific threats to security. The body scanners and pat-down pro- cedures were not designed to create pornographic images or provide sex- ual gratification, as some critics claim, and there is not the slightest danger that they will be used in that way. Af- ter all, the procedures take place in full view of other travelers. No, the new procedures were designed to protect our lives. TSA has its priorities right, for without life, liberty and the pur- suit of happiness are meaningless.2nd Essay: We’ll Never Win Playing Catch UpBy Joshua LevyThe full-body scans and pat-downsused by TSA officials at airports are an outrage. They treat everyone in a way no court of law wouldas guilty until proven innocent. Ironically, that is the very kind of regime that terrorists would like to impose on us. We have let fear change America for the worse.If my opposition to TSA proce- dures seems extreme, consider this: many members of Congress hold sim- ilar views, notably Representative John Mica, who was instrumental in creating the TSA. He believes the TSA has become both bloated and ineffec- tive. As a result, he claims that while screeners have been casting a suspi- cious eye on grandmothers, nuns, and children, real terrorists have slipped past them, unnoticedIts bad enough that TSA screen- ing wastes innocent peoples time and assaults their dignity. Worse is that they are reactive rather than proactive. Someone carried liquid explosives, so TSA banned liquids. Someone else put abombinashoe,soTSAmadeusall remove our shoes. A third person hid a bomb in his underwear, so TSA started more intrusive searches. The next strat- egy for terrorists, experts warn, is to carry explosive materials in body cavi- ties or in implants. I shudder to think of how TSA will respond to that.What we desperately need is a more intelligent and effective approach. We neednt invent itit already exists. El Al, the Israeli airline, developed what it calls behavioral profiling, not to be confused with ethnic or racial profiling. They train their agents to detect people who seem nervous or suspicious and subject just those people to searches and in-depth interviews. By adopting that ap- proach, wed both preserve our liberty and increase our safety.