Students in residence at the University Park campus must attend a live classical music concert
Concert Review: Students in residence at the University Park campus mustattend a live classical music concert, selecting from the list of fiveperformances occuring between Thursday, February 26, and Tuesday,April 14. See the Concert Review Performances page, immediately abovethis page, and purchase your ticket as soon as you can.The Concert Review assignment should be approximately 500 – 600words. The assignment can be turned in as soon as you have completedit, and we recommend that you write your concert review shortly afterhaving attended the performance. The Concert Review is due: 11:59 p.m.,Thursday, April 16. ***Assignment Directions: Be sure to read Lesson 7before attending your selected live performance of classical music.Important Note: Read carefully the Lesson 7 page, “Theatre Etiquette.”Conducting yourself in accordance with these directives is as important asany aspect of this assignment.Be sure to get a program for the concert asyou enter the performance hall. The program will provide usefulinformation–and help stimulate your memory–when you turn your attentionto writing your concert review.Do not attempt to take notes during theperformance, or between pieces. If you have paper and pen tucked awayin a pocket or purse, you can write notes during the intermission (if there isone). Otherwise, wait until the concert is concluded before writing aboutthe concert. The point is not to create any disturbance during theperformance itself.After the performance, as soon as you can, write notesabout your experience: your recollections, impressions, and thoughtsrelating to the performance, and your experience attending theperformance.You have considerable liberty as to what you write about. Werecommend something like this: Your experience of attending theperformance can serve as a “frame” for your review. This can most easilybe done by writing in “first person.” (We recommend writing in first person,but that is not a requirement.) The performance venue, the people yousee, the performance hall–briefly describe these aspects of the experiencethat take place before the concert itself.The performance–the performers,the instruments, the music–this is the heart of what you are writing about.Select the piece that most impressed you. Describe the performance andyour response to the music. Highlight individual performers, if that wasone of the impressive aspects of the concert. Describe as best you canwhat you hear and how it affects you.Consider, too, whether you recognizeany aspects of tonality in the music. Has our study thus far allowed you toperceive tonal aspects of the music that you might not have observedbefore studying? For example, melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, timbre-are there aspects of these musical elements that stand out for you that youcan describe?Finally, reflect on the value of attending a live performance ofclassical music. Did you enjoy the music? Has the experience changedyou in any significant way? Offer a conclusion to your paper that conveysyour “take-away” from the experience.One final suggestion: Write in yourown “voice,” and be as expressive as you can. Make this an interestingand enjoyable read! After the reader has read your concert review, if thereader wants to be there with you the next time to share the experience,then you have done a superb job!