
IVC/Spring 2016/Econ 10/MGT 10/ Pehlivan/ Exam 3Name___________________________________MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.1) Consider the partially completed one-way ANOVA summary table.SourceSum ofSquaresDegrees ofFreedomMean Sumof Squares FBetween 270Within 18Total 810 21The total number of observations for this ANOVA procedure isA) 20. B) 18. C) 21. D) 22.1)2) Consider the partially completed one-way ANOVA summary table.SourceSum ofSquaresDegrees ofFreedomMean Sumof Squares FBetween 270Within 18Total 810 21The degrees of freedom for the sum of squares between for this ANOVA procedure isA) 2. B) 1. C) 3. D) 4.2)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.3) Analysis of variance is a technique used to conduct a hypothesis test to compare three or morepopulation proportions simultaneously.3)4) A level in an ANOVA test accounts for the variation outside of the main factor. 4)5) All analysis of variance procedures require that the observations are either ordinal or interval data. 5)6) The total sum of squares (SST) measures the amount of variation between each data value and thegrand mean.6)1MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.7) Nintendo Sony would like to test the hypothesis that a difference exists in the average age of usersof a Wii, a PlayStation, or an Xbox console game. The following data represent the age of a randomsample of Wii, PlayStation, and Xbox users.Wii PlayStation Xbox37 26 3131 21 2047 24 3829 24 3136 25 30The total sum of squares for these observations is ________.A) 652.6 B) 594.7 C) 736.0 D) 881.57)8) AutoTrader.com would like to test if a difference exists in the age of three different types ofvehicles currently on the road–trucks, cars, and vans. The following data represent the age of arandom sample of trucks, cars, and vans.Trucks Cars Vans12 8 38 7 79 10 611 7 8The mean square between for these observations is________.A) 16.0 B) 2.0 C) 4.7 D) 5.58)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.9) The Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons procedure allows us to examine each pair of samplemeans and to conclude whether or not their respective sample means differ for a one-wayANOVA.9)MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.10) Consider the partially completed randomized block ANOVA summary table.SourceSum ofSquaresDegrees ofFreedomMean Sum ofSquares FBetween 600 3Block 5Error 750Total 2,150 23The sum of squares block for this ANOVA procedure is _____.A) 930 B) 980 C) 1,150 D) 80010)211) Consider the partially completed randomized block ANOVA summary table.SourceSum ofSquaresDegrees ofFreedomMean Sum ofSquares FBetween 600 3Block 5Error 750Total 2,150 23The mean square between for this ANOVA procedure is _____.A) 410 B) 50 C) 200 D) 16011)12) In Delaware, cars are inspected each year using state-operated inspection centers. The Wilmingtoncenter has three drive-through lanes where cars are inspected in a sequence of steps. The followingdata show the number of minutes that a random sample of drivers spent waiting and having theircars inspected in the three lanes each day of the week.Day Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3Monday 36 35 37Tuesday 19 30 20Wednesday 26 32 23Thursday 38 49 30Friday 41 41 35The state of Delaware would like to perform a randomized block ANOVA to test for a difference inthe average times the drivers spend in the three lanes using the weekday as a blocking factor with ?= 0.05. The mean square block for these observations is ________.A) 148.9 B) 174.4 C) 135.0 D) 162.612)13) Consider the partially completed two-way ANOVA summary table.SourceSum ofSquaresDegrees ofFreedomMean Sumof Squares FFactor B 2Factor A 600 200Interaction 144Error 384 12Total 1,288 23The sum of squares for Factor B for this ANOVA procedure is ____.A) 370 B) 160. C) 300 D) 40013)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.14) In a two-way ANOVA procedure, there are two hypotheses to be tested—the test for Factor A andthe test for factor B.14)315) For two-way ANOVA, we partition the total sum of squares (SST) into the sum of squares forFactor A (SSFA), the sum of squares for Factor B (SSFB), the sum of squares interaction (SSAB), andthe sum of squares error (SSE).15)MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.16) Wells Fargo Bank would like to determine if a difference exists in the average credit score betweenresidents of the states of Texas, Alaska, and Iowa and also investigate if age plays a role in creditscore. The credit scores from a random sample of residents from each state was recorded andresidents were categorized as being under 40 years old or 40 years and older. A two-way ANOVAwas conducted using ? = 0.05 with Factor A assigned the state residence and Factor B assigned theage group. The results are shown below.The Tukey-Kramer critical range for Factor A using ? = 0.05 is ________.A) 36.00 B) 41.30 C) 55.60 D) 48.5016)4TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.17) When performing a hypothesis test to compare two or more population proportions, the expectedfrequencies must always be integer values.17)MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.18) The ________ frequencies refer to the frequencies that are most likely to occur if the null hypothesisis true when performing a hypothesis test comparing two or more population proportions.A) expected B) observed C) cumulative D) relative18)19) Nationwide Insurance would like to perform a chi-square test to investigate whether a differenceexists in the proportion of male and female teenagers who text while they drive. A random sampleof 80 male teenagers found that 50 indicated they texted while driving. A random sample of 120female teenagers found that 65 indicated they texted while driving. The expected frequency offemale teenagers who text is ________.A) 65 B) 69 C) 55 D) 5119)20) When performing a hypothesis test to compare two or more population proportions, the teststatistic follows the ________.A) Student’s t-distribution B) normal distributionC) F-distribution D) chi-square distribution20)21) The Department of Transportation would like to investigate if a difference exists in the proportionof flights that arrive on-time between Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines, andUnited Airlines. The following data represent the number of on-time flights from random samplestaken from each airline.Alaska Delta Southwest UnitedNumber On-time 90 95 85 60Sample Size 100 120 100 80The expected frequency of on-time flights from the Southwest sample is ________.A) 66 B) 99 C) 90 D) 82.521)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.22) The null hypothesis for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test always states that the stated distributionis followed.22)5MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.23) The following data represent the discrete probability distribution for the number of stars thatreviewers gave a first edition statistics reference book.Stars 5 4 3 2 1Probability 25% 35% 20% 10% 10%The second edition of this reference book has been released and a random sample of people thathave purchased the book has been collected with the following results.Stars 5 4 3 2 1Frequency 28 28 13 6 5The publisher would like to know if the probability distribution for reviews has changed from thefirst edition to the second edition using ? = 0.025. The critical value for this hypothesis test is________.A) 5.991 B) 9.448 C) 11.143 D) 7.81523)24) A manufacturer of smartphone batteries will randomly select 20 batteries from the process eachday and count the number of defects. Historically, 4% of the batteries produced by this companyhave been defective. The following data represent the frequency of defective batteries from arandom
sample of 200 days.Number of Defective Frequency0 851 632 353 or more 17The manufacturer would like to test if the probability distribution for defective batteries follows thebinomial distribution with p = 0.04 and n = 20 using ? = 0.05. The expected number of days fromthis sample that 3 or more batteries from the batch of 20 are defective is ________.A) 71.70 B) 15.08 C) 75.48 D) 37.7424)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.25) A dependent variable, x, explains the variation in another variable, which is called the independentvariable, y.25)26) A scatter plot is a useful tool to examine the data before conducting correlation analysis. 26)27) The values of the correlation coefficient range between -1.0 and +1.0. 27)6MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.28) The table below shows the number of cars sold last month by seven employees at Concord Motorsand their number of years of sales experience.Experience Sales1 82 62 74 145 96 138 10The correlation coefficient for this data is ________.A) -0.251 B) 0.744 C) 0.360 D) 0.55328)29) Sarah is the office manager for a group of financial advisors who provide financial services forindividual clients. She would like to investigate whether a relationship exists between the numberof presentations made to prospective clients in a month and the number of new clients per month.The following table shows the number of presentations and corresponding new clients for arandom sample of six employees.Employee Presentations New Clients1 7 22 9 33 9 44 10 35 11 56 12 3The correlation coefficient for this data is ________.A) 0.516 B) 0.403 C) 0.323 D) 0.16729)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.30) If two variables have a correlation coefficient equal to -0.60 from a sample size of 5, we canconclude that the population correlation coefficient is less than zero using ? = 0.05.30)31) The line that best fits the ordered pairs using the least squares method is called the residual line. 31)32) Given a regression equation of y^= 15.6 – 3.8x, a one-unit increase in the independent variablewould result in an average increase of 3.8 for the dependent variable.32)MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.33) The formula for the equation describing a straight line is y^= b0 + b1x. The value for b0 in thisequation represents the _________.A) y-intercept of the straight line B) slope of the straight lineC) predicted value of y given a value of x D) independent variable33)734) The table below shows the number of cars sold last month by seven employees at Concord Motorsand their number of years of sales experience.Experience Sales1 82 62 74 145 96 138 10Management would like to use simple regression analysis to estimate monthly car sales using thenumber of years of sales experience. The y-intercept for the regression equation is ________.A) 2.165 B) 6.940 C) 4.598 D) 8.33734)35) The ________ measures the amount of dispersion of observed data around a regressionline.A) coefficient of determination B) standard error of the estimateC) correlation coefficient D) standard error of the slope35)36) Costco sells paperback books in their retail stores and wanted to examine the relationship betweenprice and demand. The price of a particular novel was adjusted each week and the weekly saleswere recorded in the table below.Sales Price3 $124 $116 $1010 $98 $810 $7Management would like to use simple regression analysis to estimate weekly demand for thisnovel using the price of the novel. The standard error of the estimate is ________.A) 1.76 B) 3.30 C) 1.38 D) 1.0936)37) The variable y^represents the ________ in the regression model.A) residualB) value of the dependent variableC) predicted value for the dependent variableD) value of the independent variable37)38) The test statistic for testing the significance for the regression coefficient follows the _______.A) Student’s t-distribution B) chi-square distributionC) F-distribution D) normal distribution38)839) The National Basketball Association (NBA) would like to develop a multiple regression model thatwould predict the number of wins for a team during the season. The following independentvariables were considered for the model: field goal percentage (X1), free throw percentage (X2),turnovers per game (X3), rebounds per game (X4), and steals per game (X5). The followingregression model was chosen using a data set of team statistics:y^= -276.8949 + 6.0284×1 – 6.8230×3 + 3.348x4The first team from the data set had the following values:Wins = 56Field goal percentage = 48.6%Free throw percentage = 77.0%Turnovers per game = 14.6Rebounds per game = 38.8Steals per game = 8.2The residual for this team is ________.A) 9.6 B) -3.1 C) 7.0 D) -5.239)TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.40) One of the assumptions for the multiple regression model is that the residuals have a constantvariance.40)ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.Use the information below to answer the following question(s).The table below shows the number of interceptions thrown during the season by seven randomly selected National FootballLeague teams and the number of games those teams won during the season.Wins Interceptions3 286 1911 1614 610 98 258 1141) Use the NFL team data to calculate the total sum of squares, sum of squares error, and sum of squaresregression.9MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.42) The following distribution shows the frequency distribution of the number of shots a particularNBA player blocked in one game for a random sample of 100 games.Blocked Shots per Game Frequency0 01 142 353 364 105 26 3You have been assigned the task to test if the distribution of blocked shots per game for this playerfollows the Poisson distribution using ? = 0.05. The sample mean for this distribution is ________.A) 3.47 B) 2.60 C) 3.12 D) 2.2042)10

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