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Most companies and websites have their terms and conditions. These terms govern how other people access and use services from these websites. At Essay Fountain, we have our own terms and conditions. (The T&C or Terms)These terms control how our website and its services are accessed and used by those people who visit our website. To avoid going against these terms ensure you read them carefully. 

The website Essay Fountain is owned by Mutt Street limited. 

By using our website, you are legally bound by these terms and you have a full legal authority to act as per the terms. This is because using our website is viewed as an agreement to be bound by our terms and conditions. 


Website- this refers to a set of related web pages that are located under a single domain name that is located on the World Wide Web where certain services are realized. For example, our webpages are available at https://www.essayfountain.com/.

Services– this refers to written tasks such as essays, dissertations, research papers and any other academic writing tasks usually ordered by our clients on our website. 

Terms & Conditions, Terms or T&C– These are the terms of use that govern the way you access and use our website. These terms include Privacy Policy, Money Back Guarantee, Revision Policy, and Plagiarism-Free Guarantee.

We, Us, and Ours– This refers to our company Essay Fountain. This company is registered under the laws of the United Kingdom. 

User, You, Client– This refers to a natural person, individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that has accepted our Terms of use and has registered on our website. It also refers to everyone submitting, bidding, uploading any information on our website, executing an order and making payments on our website.

Writer– A writer is a person employed by a website as a freelancer offering research and writing services thus helping in meeting our clients’ academic needs. The writer enters into an agreement with us and they do research and writing tasks on our behalf.

Account– This refers to the personalized section of our website that is created after a user’s registration and is out of bound to the public. An account is made private by a user name and a password. 

Order– This refers to a particular writing service request transmitted electronically and has been paid for. An order gives details about what is needed and expected in a certain assignment and specifies the scope of the work. It is the work in its entirety with all the assignment instructions and requirements.

Product– Refers to the original content that results from the processing of an order through research and writing. It is written as per a client’s instructions and delivered as a digital document.

Client’s information- This refers to all files submitted on our website on any acceptable format providing details to be used for referencing or as an example. Our website holds the right to determine the size and format of any files that are to be uploaded with the order form.  

Order placing

The process of order placing on our website is very easy. It involves filling the order form provided on our website. This is how all orders on our website are placed. 

The order form specifies on details such as the scope of work, delivery terms and order parameters. Ensure you provide exact, full and final details every time you fill the order form while placing your order. 

After filling in your order details, you will be required to register on our website by providing your contact details such as name, phone number and email address. In case of a change in any of these details, it is your responsibility to update them on our website or you can inform our support team to have the information updated. 

Order Payment and Discounts

Placing an order is viewed as your wish to purchase our services and products. Filling order details is not enough for us to start working on your order as you must pay for the order. After you have made payments and the payments have been authorized, a qualified writer will be assigned your order.

The cost of your order is calculated as per our current pricing that can be found on our prices page. All order payments are made in advance as it has been stated in the order form once the work to be performed has been agreed upon. We are not responsible for the delivery of a product that has not been paid for and the order deadline should be calculated after the order has been paid for and the payment authorized. 

You can use any of the available payment methods as indicated on our website to make your payments. It is important to check the available payment methods on our website during the time of making your payments to ensure we receive your money. 

Discounts and bonuses are offered at our own discretion and as per our current Discount Policy. We reserve the right to offer discounts and bonuses. 

We offer a Money-Back Guarantee and so if a client decides to stop working with us, they will receive a refund for their money. The refund will be calculated according to our money-back guarantee. When refunding your money, we do not take responsibility for any bank transfer fees, transfer anomalies or any delays that might occur as a result of bank service issues.

It is your responsibility to pay any taxes applicable as per the jurisdiction of the service provided. These taxes include service and value-added taxes. 

You may be subject to taxes and other fees we charge depending on your location or place of residence. In this case, the additional fee from the taxes will be added to the fees billed to you. 

By working with us, you must acknowledge that you will comply with your obligations under the income tax provisions in your jurisdiction.

Order processing

Order validation. After the payment of your order has been made and authorized, we have the right to re-check your order details to ensure they match with your assignment requirements. If they do not match, we can alter your instructions to ensure their match with your order details. In some cases, you can be contacted to clarify something that is not understandable. 

Order volume. Each order has a required volume that can be measured by the number of pages or the number of words. One page is equal to 275 words. The writer assigned your order has to ensure that upon delivery of your order the number of pages must be as per your assignment instructions. In case of a word or number of pages mismatch, you can request the paper to be reformatted to match the number of pages and words 

Changes to order details. You can only change your instruction details if a writer has not started working on your order. Once a writer has started working and researching on your order, changing the order details becomes impossible. If changing assignment instructions narrows the order deadline, makes the order more complex or increases the order volume, you will be requested to pay an additional fee for the added instructions. 

Resources. If you require specific materials used in processing your order, you must make the materials available to our writer. You can upload the materials with your order, provide links to the materials or give details about them to make it easier for the writer to find them.

Communication. You can contact our support team at any time of the day or night as we are available 24/7. You can contact us through email, live chat or call for any questions regarding your order. 

Progress tracking. You have the right to track the progress of your order. You can do it by checking regularly on your personal order page where all the details and status of your order are displayed. You are also free to contact our support team via any of the available means of communication to get updates on the status of your order. Our online support team is available 24/7.

Order delivery

After payment of an order has been made and authorized, it is our responsibility to work on your order and deliver it on or before your order deadline. 

It is your responsibility to provide us with viable delivery channels for delivery of your order once the order has been processed successfully. We will not take responsibility for inaccurate email addresses provided by a client on their profile, internet outrages, spam filters and general client negligence in providing proper communication and delivery channels or other things that are beyond our control. Always contact our support team for assistance in order to facilitate the delivery of your product. 

It is your responsibility to download your product on time as soon as it has been submitted on your personal order page. After the delivery of your order, you will receive an email notification informing you that your order has been completed and delivered. 

To be aware of your right to refund, please read our Money Back Guarantee. For any question regarding your right to refund, please contact our support team. 

  1. Order revision.

To learn more about your rights on order revision, please read our Revision Policy.

We reserve the right to decline a revision request if the instruction you provide violates your initial order instructions. In a case where revision instructions do not match the initial order instructions, you will be requested to pay an additional fee for the changes instructions or place the order for editing at a fee. 

We also reserve the right to limit or decline revision requests in a case where the client’s behavior shows intentions to exploit the writer or when the client’s revision requests seem unreasonable.

Refund policy

It is our responsibility to deliver all orders assigned to us on time and with all order instructions strictly followed. In case any of your commitments is violated you are entitled to a full or partial refund as per our Money-Back Guarantee. Please read our money back guarantee for more information. 

The use of products

Any product you receive from us must be for personal and non-commercial use. The payment you make is an appreciation for time taken in researching and writing your paper as well as paying for the necessary maintenance and administration of our website to enhance product and service delivery. 

You do not have the right to modify, distribute, reproduce or display any of the products you receive from us on the internet or as a hard copy in a way that is not for personal use. 


When you place an order or make a payment on our website, you agree that:

  • Our company reserves the right to cancel any agreement, arrangement or contract with you at any time if you attempt to pass the products you receive from us as your original work. This means that you are not allowed to pass or distribute any of the products you receive from us to third parties for commercial purposes or for any other purpose. You must also accept that we reserve the right to refuse to work with you any longer if we suspect that you have distributed or used any of the products received from us in a way that is against our Terms of use.
  • You will not put your name on any of the products you receive from us. This is because all our products are to aid you in research and referencing. We do not at any time encourage or get involved knowingly in academic dishonesty, fraud or any actions of plagiarism. You must agree that any of the products you receive from us will be used as a model or an example to aid you in doing your own research. This means that you are not allowed to use any of the products you receive from us as a substitute for your own work. You can only use the paper as an example or a model to guide or give you inspiration on how to draft and create your own original paper. If you decide to use entire parts of the papers we deliver to you in your original work, you must ensure the parts are properly cited or paraphrased. To be able to use source material in an acceptable manner, please check the definition of plagiarism by your institution. 
  • We will not be responsible for any unethical, inappropriate or illegal use of any written material we deliver. This includes any disciplinary or legal actions such as plagiarism, lawsuits, poor grades, loss of a scholarship, suspension, expulsion, academic probation, and failure. If you order any product from us you are responsible for any disciplinary action that may arise from unethical, illegal or improper use of the product. 

Personal data and payment information: use and security

Please read our Privacy Policy to get more information on how we collect, process and store your personal. This includes your payment details and your personal data.

Account information and security

  • During the registration process, you will be requested to give your name and email address where one or both will be your user name on our website. After this, you will be requested to create a strong password for the privacy of your account.  
  • Account information must be kept secure and should never be disclosed nor shared with any third parties.
  • As the owner of your account, you will be responsible for any activity or order that is linked to your account. In case you suspect or realize that someone has your password visit your account and press the edit my profile button and change your password. You can also contact our support team for assistance via email, call or live chat.
  • We reserve the right to change your account password and we can do it any time we think your password is insecure. If we do this, we will send an email notification to the email address you have provided in your account. 
  • In case you forget your password, you can press on the “forgot password” button to reset your password. This will be possible as long as you are able to satisfy our security check. This is done to confirm that it’s you trying to change your password and not someone else.

Use of the website; termination and suspension of use 

  • You are only allowed to access or use our website for personal and non-commercial use only. 
  • You should never use any part of our website for any illegal purpose or a purpose that is against our terms of use. You should never use our website for any of the following purposes. 
  • Spread any harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening unlawful or other objectionable materials that might end up breaching the law.
  • Passing or sharing materials that encourage behaviors that constitutes a criminal offense or that may breach any applicable law, code of conduct or regulations. 
  • Behaving in a way that interferes with the ability of any other person to access or use our website. 
  • Transmitting, storing, making or sharing electronic materials that are protected by copyright laws without getting permission from the owner.
  • You are responsible for any losses or costs that might arise as a result of you breaching these terms of conduct.
  • Breaching any of these Terms might result in you being terminated from using our website and accessing our services. 
  • Your access to our website might be suspended if we suspect that your use might adversely affect the operation of our website or other users and take time to investigate the allegations. 
  • Contact a writer by means not allowed by our website is viewed as a violation of these Terms and thus it should be avoided.

Intellectual Property Rights (“IPRs”)

  • IPRs in the product
  • All products delivered to you are drafted by our writers,
  • Our company retains full copyright for any product delivered to our clients.
  • By paying for our product, you are given a non-exclusive license to use the product for personal and non-commercial purposes.
  • You are not allowed to distribute, publish, transmit, modify or display any product you receive from us or exploit the products or any contents of our website without a written permission from us.
  • For any unauthorized use of any of the products you receive from us, you are responsible and will suffer any losses that will occur. 
  • IPRs on any materials you supply to us

It is your responsibility to ensure that any material you share with us especially the ones that are to be used in processing your order do not go against the intellectual property laws, or violate the rights of a person or any applicable laws. You will be responsible for any loss that might result from this. 

  • IPRs on the website
  • We own or have all IPRs in any part of the website licensed to us. 
  • By accessing our website, there are no IPRs on our website or parts of it that will transfer or are deemed to transfer to you or any other person.
  • Not unless as indicated on these terms or through an agreement with us, you are not allowed to copy, disseminate or download any materials from our website. 
  • Sources used feature

We do not provide clients with full e-books or articles used in processing their order. We only provide excerpts cited in the product delivered for referencing purposes. You are expected to pay a service fee for the collection and delivery of the materials which include links to the sources where you can view or purchase the materials used in your order.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

  • The website is referred to as “is”. This means that it is an independent body and we do not guarantee that all your expectations and requirements will be met by the website. You may not be in a position to access and/ or use our website or its services especially if your computer does not support modern technology and encryption. 
  • To access our website, you must visit the World Wide Web (www) which is an independent body. When using the World Wide Web, you are subjected to all applicable national and international laws and regulations and you are also responsible for any loss that you may incur. This is because we do not guarantee that the web is safe for use.
  • You will find links and hyperlinks to and from other websites on our website. Before sharing your personal information with any of these websites, ensure you read their Terms of use and Privacy Policy as they are different for each website. This is because we do not take responsibility for any loss that you may incur through the access and use of these websites. 
  • We do not take responsibility for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of changes or modifications made on our website. 
  • We will not take responsibility to any person over losses that may arise  in connection with the product or service including but not limited to:
  • Malfunctions, failures or difficulties of any kind on the internet, electronic, phone, computer, hardware or software and/ or email. 
  • Delayed, garbed, failed or incomplete email and/ or computer transmissions. 
  • Any delayed, disrupted or corrupted products and services caused by events above the control of the company. 
  • Damages, losses or injuries arising as a result of or in connection with the use of our website or its services. 
  • Errors in printing or typing in any of the products you receive from us. 
  • We will not take responsibility for any person on any loss or damages that may occur as a result of their use or inability to use our website. This includes and is not limited to any matters resulting from events that we couldn’t control or any unforeseeable damages or losses.
  • By creating these Terms, we do not intend to limit or exclude our website from being responsible for death or damage that may arise from negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability acceptable by law or that might affect your personal rights as a consumer.


  • You are not allowed to transfer any of your rights stated on these Terms to a third party while we have the right to transfer any of our rights indicated on these Terms another website as long as we are sure rights will be respected.
  • If in any case you breach these Terms and we choose to ignore, a repeat of the same mistake in the future might not be ignored and you will be entitled to our rights and remedies. 


  • You should pass all notices to us in a written message through any of the available modes of communication indicated on our contacts page which includes email, live chatting, or a note on your personal order page unless stated otherwise in these terms. 
  • Notices from us to you will be through any of the following.
  • A message displayed on our website from time to time.
  • A message displayed on your personal order page.
  • An email to the email address you have shared with us on your account. 

Governing law and jurisdiction

  • The Terms stated on this page are all governed by the laws of England and Wales. 
  • Disputes related to these terms are to be solved by negotiations between the parties involved who agree to do anything possible to resolve the dispute. If after negotiations the parties do not reach an agreement, the dispute shall be resolved by arbitration under the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) as the court’s rules are considered to be incorporated by reference into this clause. 
  • The company and its clients must agree to bring any dispute in arbitration on an individual basis only. There will be no class, collective or representative basis for arbitration on behalf of others. 


  • We have the right at any time to:
  • Alter any specifications, functions, features, or any information on our website or service.
  • Temporarily or permanently discontinue or suspend any part of our website which might include the availability of any feature or content.
  • Restrict access of some parts of our website or put restrictions on certain features or services with or without previous notices and we will not take responsibility for any losses or damages to any person. We will try our best to notify you of any changes to our website or its services that might affect you materially and adversely diminishing the way a service you have interest in functions.
  • Our Terms will be updated or revised from time to time. When this happens, you will receive a notification via email, by posting a revised copy of the updated or revised Terms on our website or through any other form the company deems more effective. You may be requested to give your own consent to be bound by the new Terms. It is your responsibility to view the terms often as any access to our website or service after such changes constitutes your agreement to be bound and to comply with these terms.

Contact details

For any questions about our website or these Terms of use please feel free to contact our support team for clarification through phone calls, email, live chat or any other available method of communication on our website. You can also contact up by sending messages on your personal order page. 

What you will get
Professional writers
Our strict writer selection process ensures that only professional college essay writers, subject-matter experts with MA and higher degrees work on your orders.
100% confidentiality
Your personal data is in no way shared with third parties. Writers also do not have access to it. We require your email address for login and notification purposes only.
Affordable prices
Essay Fountain is a cheap essay writing service offering the best balance between quality and price. Regular customers enjoy special discounts, deals, and other perks.
Original content
We guarantee plagiarism-free work and that your custom college papers will pass Turnitin. Since Turnitin saves all files, we check papers with Copyleaks and Copyscape.
Here's why students opt for our essay writing company
Hiring a qualified paper writer is one of the best ways to improve your academic writing skills and do better in class.
Lack of time
GPA concerns
Tough topic
Trust issues
When 24 hours is not enough
Most of the students approach us when they are overworked, work in parallel with studies, do internships, and do not have enough time for everything. So, we are their problem solvers and even offer super short 1-3 hour deadlines for emergency requests.
Quick turnaround time. You will receive your
paper before the deadline.
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When grades need a boost
Our experts can help improve your performance and earn you a maximum grade. This is made possible due to the strict quality control, writers' rating system, adherence to requirements, proper formatting, access to all academic databases, credible and up-to-date sources.
Only credible sources. Your work will be based on reputable
sources that provide factual information on the topic.
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When getting help is the best option
Sometimes you can get stuck on a topic, may not be able to find adequate sources, or access to such sources can be too expensive. That's when extra help might be the most valuable tactic to save nerves and meet the deadline with a high-quality paper.
All copyrights belong to you. You can use the delivered
samples in any way you choose.
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When reliable service is needed
We cover almost all types of work, regardless of their complexity. That is why our service is used by college, high school, undergraduate, MA, and Ph.D. students from the USA, UK, and other regions. Besides, we partner with safe payment methods and provide a transparent refund policy.
Money-back guarantee. We will return your money
if you are not satisfied with the result.
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Calculate the price
Make an order in advance and get the best price
Pages (550 words)
*Price with a welcome 15% discount applied.
Pro tip: If you want to save more money and pay the lowest price, you need to set a more extended deadline.
We know how difficult it is to be a student these days. That's why our prices are one of the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees.

Instead, we offer bonuses, discounts, and free services to make your experience outstanding.
How it works
Receive a 100% original paper that will pass Turnitin from a top essay writing service
step 1
Upload your instructions
Fill out the order form and provide paper details. You can even attach screenshots or add additional instructions later. If something is not clear or missing, the writer will contact you for clarification.
Pro service tips
How to get the most out of your experience with Essay Fountain
One writer throughout the entire course
If you like the writer, you can hire them again. Just copy & paste their ID on the order form ("Preferred Writer's ID" field). This way, your vocabulary will be uniform, and the writer will be aware of your needs.
The same paper from different writers
You can order essay or any other work from two different writers to choose the best one or give another version to a friend. This can be done through the add-on "Same paper from another writer."
Copy of sources used by the writer
Our college essay writers work with ScienceDirect and other databases. They can send you articles or materials used in PDF or through screenshots. Just tick the "Copy of sources" field on the order form.
See why 20k+ students have chosen us as their sole writing assistance provider
Check out the latest reviews and opinions submitted by real customers worldwide and make an informed decision.
WRTG 393 6360 Advanced Technical Writing (2222)WRTG-393
Patience and truly superb service considering all the information was not uploaded.
Customer 452995, February 4th, 2022
Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services
Thank you for the revision.
Customer 452919, April 16th, 2024
Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services
Thank you for your assistance.
Customer 452919, April 9th, 2024
Thank you for your service. I hope that everyone had a happy Thanksgiving.
Customer 452919, November 23rd, 2021
Natural Sciences
Revision in a short period of time!
Customer 452947, November 9th, 2021
Thank you so much!
Customer 453015, December 13th, 2021
English 101
Great work!!
Customer 452989, November 21st, 2021
I love you guys, yal are the best. Thank you so much !!!
Customer 453117, September 10th, 2022
English 3311- Professional Writing
Thank you, it looks good!
Customer 452919, January 28th, 2023
Always excellent service, appreciate all the hard work
Customer 452995, January 20th, 2022
I Thank the entire team.
Customer 452919, January 25th, 2022
The writer covered all points as expected by the professor. Thank you for your commitment to serve students.
Customer 452919, February 21st, 2024
Customer reviews in total
Current satisfaction rate
3 pages
Average paper length
Customers referred by a friend
15% OFF your first order
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