when is the best time to inform the employee
Here are 20 multiplechoice questionsQuestion 1 (20 points)If an employee is to be terminated, when is the best time to inform the employee?Question 1 options:Monday afternoonFriday morningFriday afternoonThe day doesn’t really matterQuestion 2 (20 points)The process of counterbalancing test-taking order is used in which method of estimatingreliability?Question 2 options:Testretest reliabilityAlternateforms reliabilityInternal reliabilityAll of these use counterbalancingQuestion 3 (20 points)Quality of work is usually measured in terms of ____, which are defined as deviations from astandard.Question 3 options:errorsrelevant job behaviorsattendanceall of theseQuestion 4 (20 points)If an employee was to produce a work product of a quality level above the organization’sstandards, it technically would be called ____.Question 4 options:an errorgood worker outputself initiativenone of theseQuestion 5 (20 points)With a ____ validity design, the test is administered to a group of employees who are already onthe job.Question 5 options:concurrentpredictivecontentfaceQuestion 6 (20 points)According to most research, subordinate feedback results in:Question 6 options:higher supervisor turnoverbad feelings among employeesincreased supervisor performancesubordinates being firedQuestion 7 (20 points)A type of distribution error in which a rater tends to rate every employee in the middle of thescale is called ____.Question 7 options:leniencycentral tendencystrictnesshaloQuestion 8 (20 points)The extent to which tests or test items sample what they are supposed to measure is related tothe measure’s ____ validity.Question 8 options:contentconstructcriterionconcurrentQuestion 9 (20 points)Observation and cognitive processing of behavior occurs during the:Question 9 options:performance appraisal reviewactual performance appraisal evaluationselection of the performance criteriainstrument development stageQuestion 10 (20 points)Which of the following is the most common source of performance appraisal ratings?Question 10 options:SupervisorPeerSubordinateCustomerQuestion 11 (20 points)An employee’s ratings on the dimension of initiative are highly correlated with all of the otherperformance appraisal dimensions (e.g., cooperation, job accomplishment, job knowledge).Which type of rating error may be occurring?Question 11 options:Central tendency errorStrictness errorHalo errorProximity errorQuestion 12 (20 points)According to your text, a performance appraisal instrument focuses on many areas. Which ofthe following is NOT one of the areas listed in your text?Question 12 options:TraitsCompetenciesTasksCognitionQuestion 13 (20 points)If an HR director believes the higher that applicants score on a test, the better they will do onthe job, she could take a ____ approach to hiring decisions.Question 13 options:topdownnonlinearpassing scorebandingQuestion 14 (20 points)When the criterion validity coefficient is ____, and the selection ratio is ____, a test will havethe most utility in selecting successful employees.Question 14 options:large / largelarge / smallsmall / smallsmall / largeQuestion 15 (20 points)____ validity is a measure which refers to the extent to which a test score is related to somemeasure of job performance.Question 15 options:ContentConstructCriterionConcurrentQuestion 16 (20 points)If the selection rate for any of the protected groups is less than 80% of the selection rate foreither white applicants or males, the test is considered to have ____.Question 16 options:differential validityadverse impactselection biasknown group validityQuestion 17 (20 points)Setting your clock ten minutes fast will affect the ____ of the clock.Question 17 options:reliabilityvaliditypsychometricsspeedQuestion 18 (20 points)____ ratings have been successful in predicting future success of promoted employees but/andare ____ in organizations.Question 18 options:Customer and subordinate / seldom usedPeer / seldom usedSelfappraisal / seldom usedselfappraisal / often usedQuestion 19 (20 points)With the ____ method, a predetermined percentage of employees are placed into one of fivecategories.Question 19 options:paired comparisonforced distributionrank orderbehavioral anchored rating scaleQuestion 20 (20 points)Meta-analysis results indicate that objective and subjective measures of performance:Question 20 options:are slightly correlated (r = .39)are highly correlated (r = .80)are not correlated (r = .02)can never be correlated