LAS432 Team Project Guidelines

LAS432Team Project GuidelinesObjectiveThis capstone course concludes with a research Team Project that starts during the first week andcontinues throughout the duration of the class. It culminates with the submission of a formal team reportand an oral presentation by each team during Week 7, and Peer Reviews in Week 8.Each team will identify and explore an emerging technology. This will be a technology that may alreadyexist, but is drawing attention because of new applications, anticipated impacts or potential controversies.Examples could include:nanotechnology in manufacturing,genetically modified organisms,remote/robotic surgery, orwireless electricity.The team will explore the technical, social, cultural, moral and ethical issues presented by the technology.Guidelines:TeamsAll teams will be assigned at the start of the first week. The first deliverable is due on the Sunday of Week1, so students must get organized and into the project immediately. Each team will select a Team Leader,who will be responsible for the coordination of the research and the submission of assignments. Teammembers will remain on the assigned team throughout the duration of the class (in the project world,project managers seldom have the opportunity to select their own team members!). It is highlyrecommended that each team develop its own Team Contract to clearly define expectations, strategies,and timelines.Emphasis is placed on both individual contributions and the final product of teams. You will communicatewith your team through team meetings (online) and team discussion threads. Team members who fail toparticipate in an assignment will not get points for that assignment.With those parts of the Team Project where a group grade will be assigned, all team members mustsubmit a copy of the team’s work. When an assignment is completed, the Team Leader will distribute thefinished product to all team members, and each team member must submit this copy to the Dropbox,The TaskThe primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emergingtechnology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team membercontributing 10 pages of text. The paper will provide the basis for a 20-minute team presentation.The following Required Elements must be researched and included in the final project. What follows is alist only, and is in no way an outline:A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated scienceThe historical development and context of the technologyPolitical and legal influencesEconomic questions and considerationsPsychological considerations and sociological effectsThe technology in its cultural context, media influenceImplications for the environmentMoral and ethical implicationsTo properly analyze the various elements of the project, research will cut across disciplines and includeacademic, scientific and industry sources. Complete project guidelines and suggestions can be found inDocSharing.DeliverablesAll students submit the project individually, not just the Team Leader. With respect to graded group workthe Team Leader must distribute the finished project to the team so that each member may submit itindividually to the dropbox. With respect to individually graded segments of the project, each teammember is responsible for compiling his/her own assignment and submitting it to the dropbox.Rubrics: All rubrics for the Team Project can be found in DocSharing.Week 1: Research Topic and Outline (possible 50 points, groupgrade)Each team will select a topic for research and a Team Leader. Using the list of required elements for theproject, each member of the team will take responsibility for researching specific aspects of thetechnology. The team will then produce a detailed outline for the project, noting each team member’sresearch sections. Please note, the list of required elements is just that – a list – and does not constitutean outline.Thesis Statement:Each outline assignment should begin with a thesis statement. This thesis sentence presents the centralidea of the paper. It must always be a complete, grammatical sentence, specific and brief, whichexpresses the point of view you are taking towards the subject. (You will need to collaborate with yourgroup on the perspective of the thesis.) This thesis statement will be included in the introduction of yourfinal report and the opening of your presentation.Detailed Outline:In the outline, each heading and subheading is given in single words or brief phrases. To subdivide aheading into subheadings, there must be at least two subsections. Use numbers and letters to indicatethe level of your headings, for example:I.Description of the Technologya. Science that drove the technologyb. Applications of the technologyII.History of the Technologya. A brief timelineb. An analysis of social factors that drove the technologyBe consistent with your choice of phrases, making sure they are grammatically parallel (where possible).Each member of the team is to take responsibility for sections of this report. Indicate the assignedsections by placing the student’s name next to each section. When assigning the research try and matchup personal strengths or interests. Once again, the required elements are:A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated scienceThe historical development and context of the technologyPolitical and legal influencesEconomic questions and considerationsPsychological considerations and sociological effectsThe technology in its cultural context, media influenceImplications for the environmentMoral and ethical implicationsThe finished assignment should be 2 – 3 pages in length, not counting the title page. Although thisassignment will result in a group grade, each person is required to submit a copy to the dropbox by thedue date. The Team Leader will distribute the finished product to each team member, whereupon eachteam member will submit the same assignment to the dropbox.Making the Connections for Your Team Research ProjectIf you have the following section, you might want to explore the connections that comprise that discipline:Pure Sciences: How does this technology work? Try to avoid the “How Things Work” website as yourresource for this portion of the paper. Instead cite real scientists and fundamental scientific laws (e.g. lawsof gravitation, Boyle’s law, laws of thermodynamics, etc.) underpinning the technology. Cite technicalmanuals, using scientific explanations, but work to express the scientific concepts in lay terms. Usephysics, chemistry, biosciences, mathematics, etc. Try to sound “nerdy” but clear. If you need to provide aglossary at the end of your paper, that’s okay.History: Trace the major events along the path to where we are today with the technology. You have toinclude a timeline as part of your discussion or in the Appendix. You also have to discuss in detail themost recent developments while trying to give a macro perspective. What happened sequentially,chronologically, and what led to the innovations that we see today? Who were the major players? Whatissues presented themselves as obstacles, and what were opportunities that advanced the technology?What factors (economic, scientific, etc) drove the technology. Tell us the story of how “blank” came to be.Political Causes/Effects: Look at government policy, government intervention, government involvement(support or lack of support, funding), both nationally and internationally. Consider Congress, thePresident, the Supreme Court (decisions), the rate of change, liberalism, conservatism, legislation,litigation, etc. What political factors are at work in the progression or regression of the technology (e.g.lobbyists, special interest groups, partisan views, vocal advocates or spokespersons)? For example: TheAmericans with Disabilities Act was designed to prevent discrimination and encourage accessibility topublic facilities; it impacted architects, companies, organizations and persons with disabilities through theinstallation of ramps (wider doors, lower knobs/handles, la
rger restroom stalls), the use of assistivedevices in schools and in the workplace, hiring practices and lawsuits against employers, etc.Economic Issues: (IBIScope) Consider production, consumption, costs, variables of supply-demand,corporations, private enterprise, impact on the nation’s economy (employment, displacement,outsourcing). Are certain industries impacted more than others? Look up financial projections—expectations for growth, startup companies, the stock exchange, etc.—anything related to business andthe U.S. and global economy. Who are the chief players in the business environment, and what is theirrole? How much has been invested in research and development? How will the price fluctuate? Whateconomic trends are to be observed? Who will make money from the technology? Who is funding theresearch and development? Who controls the purse strings, and why? Look at foundations and charitableorganizations, the outcomes and the nature of consumers. Be sure to use charts and tables andquantitative data in this section. Tables, figures, and data and statistics must be current, valid and usedappropriately.Psychological Effects: How has this technology been received, accepted, rejected? Why? Is it feared orfavored? What is the attitude toward change? How are the developers trying to “sell” the technology to thegeneral public? Look at attitudes, feelings (emotions), behaviors, personality, and the ways humanschange as a result of this technology. What is being thought and why? Is the human mind impacted?How? Are interactions between people changing as a result? Who is included or excluded and why? UseMaslow’s hierarchy of needs, Piaget or some other theorist. What psychological needs are met by thetechnology (e.g., cell phones once granted status and now promote a sense of belonging orconnectedness) or created by the technology? Consumerism?Sociological Effects: Look at groups and organizations that have arisen and prospered because of thistechnology. Are these groups supportive or antagonist, and why? (An example is genetically modifiedfoods [GMOs] and the backlash against the Monsanto corporation. Another is cochlear implants whichallow the deaf to hear, yet reduce the deaf population that calls itself a community.) How does thetechnology change society, or how does society change in response to the technology? What factors insociety led to the development in the first place? What do class, gender roles, race, norms, etc. mean inthis context? Who will benefit from the technology, and who might be harmed (this might also belong inethics/morals section)? For example, prosthetics enable people to participate more fully and actively insociety (some persons are competing in triatholons and marathons), and the “war” has brought about theneed for advances in prosthetic technology as casualties with missing limbs return home to the UnitedStates. Look at the workplace, new companies and/or jobs created, jobs lost (or save this foreconomics?). Look at roles—subgroups, people’s interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Considercrime, healthcare, schools. Surveillance cameras, for example, have recently been installed inNew YorkCity, and the result has been a decrease in the amount of crime, purse-snatching, pickpocketing, etc. Yetsome fear the “big brother” effect of always being watched and tracked and concerns over “Who willguard the guards?”Cultural Considerations: Use Proquest Database – This is a really important section. Consider theelements that comprise the culture and subcultures. Compare the United States use of the technologywith that of other nations around the world. What is about Americans that brings about innovation, or hasAmerica declined in terms of technical innovation, scientific research and development? Look atadvertising for the technology, the use of celebrities or stars or heroes, the applications (e.g. sports andnanotechnology) and the values represented by the culture. What has priority and why? An example: IBMwas spelled out in xenon atoms. Why were these letters chosen instead of something else?What new words have been added to our vocabulary from this technology? “Horseless carriage” wasused long before the term “automobile.” “Wireless” preceded Wi-Fi, and webcasting preceded podcasting.“Broadcast” was a term adapted from agriculture long before it was used for radio and television.Artistic Links: How do musicians and artists react to the technology or use the technology or incorporatethe technology in their artistic productions? For example, fiber optic lighting has been used on the stageand in parades (Disney) for costuming. The drama term “In the limelight,” for example, was derived from alens/lighting system used in lighthouses. Look at literature—perhaps science fiction or fantasy stories—that predate the technology (Jules Verne, for example, wrote about submarines before they were actuallyinvented and used—though Leonardo da Vinci had sketched the idea centuries before Verne). Are thereany songs, short stories, poems, plays, TV shows, or films that directly make reference to the technology?Are there any “related” literary works that apply? Is the artifact in a museum or will it be? Why? How doesthe technology relate to concepts of beauty and novelty and human creativity? How can people expresstheir humanity through this technology? An example: scientists experimenting with nano made a “nanoguitar” that actually played a tune, though it was subthreshold human hearing.Environmental Effects: Consider such things as dangers to humans, the depletion of resources, air andwater pollution, discovery before inventions, impact on wildlife and humans (health and safety), long-termand short-term effects, waste disposal, aesthetic considerations (how the technology changes thelandscape). Look also at the positive effects (savings of raw materials or fossil fuels, low environmentalimpact, enhancement to the environment). For example, some thought the Alaskan Pipeline would impactthe caribou population and its ability to migrate; the scientists discovered that the population actuallyincreased and was healthier because they had “shade” from the above-the-ground pipe, fewer biting flies,and less physically stressed females.Other negative examples: the spotted owl and deforestation in Washington State; the snail darter and thedam, endangered species and loss of habitats, extinction, over-mining, overproduction, pollution ofground water, landfills, toxic wastes, stripping the soil of nutrients, over fishing, over hunting, overharvesting.Moral and Ethical Considerations:(Proquest) Consider quality of life, human rights, codes of ethics,privacy, accountability, corporate responsibility government responsibility, individual responsibility (e.g.,ways of dying and rights of dying). What ethical values are expressed implicitly or explicitly by thistechnology? Pride (being the first-to-get-to-the moon kind of thing)? Greed? Power? Fraud? Theft?Deception? Lies? Whose rights are violated? Whose rights are honored? Consumer rights? The rights ofthe general public? Freedom? Authority? Control? What are the major moral concerns associated with thecreation and adoption of this technology? Remember the e-Waste example in the reading I gave you—thedisposal of dangerous toxins in “poorer” countries, the not-in-my-backyard phenomenon. What doreligious groups have to say (this group thing may fit better in the sociology section)? For example,contraceptives generally prevent pregnancy but for some this technology violates what they call “naturallaw” and their religious belief in God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply.” Look at corporate code ofethics, professional codes of ethics (IEEE, etc.) available through websites such as Illinois Institute ofTechnology’s and Case Western Reserve University’s (compilation) or Look at thecompanies developing the technology and check out their “codes of ethics” to determine whether thetechnology they are developing is in keeping with their mission and values. Who is responsible ifsomething goes
wrong or if critical information is withheld from the public? Example: asbestos andcigarettesApply ethical theory on your own—utilitarianism, act utilitarianism, rule utilitarianism, Kant’s categoricalimperative, ethic of care, deontology, teleology, ethical egoism, absolutism, Fletcher’s situation ethics,ethical relativism, etc. Consider an encyclopedia of ethics for terms and applicable concepts. Check outthe reading in our textbook on morality and technology.Week 2: Resource Review (90 possible points, individual grade)Each member of the team will assemble at least 5 scholarly, academic references that will be used towrite the paper (refer to Week 1’s tutorial on Scholarly References). Each student will list his/herreferences using APA format, and provide a brief explanation of each resource indicating how thatresource will be used. The focus should be upon the student’s specific research assignment. Anapproximate length of this bibliography is between 2 – 3 pages.An example reference:Brenner, Joel (2011). America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime,and Warfare. New York: The Penguin PressIn my section of the report, I will be researching security issues associated with collaborative online tools.Brenner’s book explores the events surrounding the WikiLeaks scandal and the issues associated withsecurity. He also examines the legal challenges that the incident presented. This material could be usedby my team in another section of the report. He makes some recommendations that we will consider forour conclusion.General reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, wikipedia, will not beconsidered as sources meeting this requirement. The list could include books, journal articles, industryreports, authoritative web sites, manufacturers’ sites or sites from research groups. Remember, allquotations, paraphrased material, images, graphics and statistics must be referenced in your report, somake note of all sources while compiling your research!Textbook Readings:It is expected that students will bring into their report concepts and ideas from their weekly assignedtextbook readings. Part of your grade is determined by your ability to synthesize these concepts with yourother research. Consequently, these authors must be properly cited and the articles included in your finalbibliography.Each student will submit his/her assignment to the dropbox by the due date, and provide a copy to theTeam Leader.Week 6: Submit Rough Draft to TurnItIn (no points, but required)Each Team Leader will submit a single team paper to TurnItIn this week, leaving enough time forinstructor review and team corrections. This is mandatory, as no papers will be accepted withouthaving been submitted to TurnItIn. After the instructor reviews the paper through TurnItIn, generalcomments and suggestions for the paper will be directed back to the team.Week 7: Final Draft of the Paper (200 possible points, individualgrade)All written sections will be compiled into one, cohesive team paper. All students should review the paperto ensure that the transitions are smooth, that the sections fit together, and that the bibliographies arecompiled correctly.The paper should conclude with recommendations for further research or possible solutions that could beevaluated. A complete list of references, in APA format, should follow along with any Appendices.Title Page (not included in page count)Table of Contents – indicating student sections (not included in page count)Abstract – 200-word summary of the entire paper; it is not a restatement of the introduction (notincluded in page count)ReportooReport sections, organized using at least level-1 and level-2 headings.oProper documentation throughout the report using APA style. (Each member isresponsible for documenting properly, and undocumented or poorly cited materialwill count as plagiarism—a failing grade for the paper.)oAppropriate visuals/graphic aids in the document that are discussed in the body of thereport and support the thesis (e.g., a table, graph, chart, illustration, photograph, diagram,map, etc.); mathematical or statistical data is appropriately used to support conclusions.All visuals/graphic aids also need to be properly documented.oIntroduction that provides background information, establishes the context andsignificance of the issues and the technology (your thesis statement) and generallyorients your reader to the entire project. It should outline the scope of the investigation,and comment on any challenges the team faced with respect to research sources.Conclusion that effectively synthesizes the sections of the report. It should summarizekey issues. Included in this section should be Recommendations for Further Research,following up on any questions that were uncovered during your research or suggestionsfor groups/events to follow.Bibliography and appendix (not included in the page count but significant in showing you “found”relevant stuff that would not fit into the body of the text—brochures, charts, handouts, samples ofmaterials or products, or team process reports, etc.). Wise groups begin the bibliography earlyand start gathering related materials for the Appendix.All teams must plan to leave enough time for peer review, to check transitions and write an effectiveconclusion.Remember, final papers must be submitted to TurnItIt before submitting to the dropbox. Papersthat have not been submitted to TurnItIn will not be accepted.Although this assignment will result in one cohesive team paper, each person is required to submit a copyto the dropbox by the due date. The Team Leader will distribute the finished product to each teammember, whereupon each team member will submit the same assignment to the dropbox.Team Oral Presentations (150 possible points, group grade)Each team will conduct a live team presentation with all classmates present. Students are required toattend the entire presentation session, which should last approximately 2 hours. Online students will usea Web Conferencing tool, and must have their own computer microphones.Important note about attendance: This presentation is worth 150 points, and if you fail to attend, youwill not receive credit for the presentation. Exceptions to this policy will be made only for the followingunique emergency situations:In the event that the area in which a student resides experiences an extended power outage dueto a natural disaster (hurricane, flood, storm, etc.)A student is on active military duty and cannot complete courseworkA student has a verifiable (documented) medical or other personal emergencyEach presentation should begin with an introduction of the team members, then move to a discussion ofeach of the elements of the team assignment using Power Point slides.The presentation is NOT simply a regurgitation of the written report. Students should NOT read from thewritten report. The focus should be on a presentation of the issues. Avoid generalized statements andunsubstantiated claims. If “some people believe that this technology will….”, tell us who they are! If“experts believe that this will result in an increase of….” – be specific! Give us the data and tell us whothese experts are.All direct quotes, statistics, and visuals/graphic aids need to be properly documented. Make sure to notethe source on you PowerPoint slide.After the slides are presented and the sections have been discussed, the team members are to ask theclass 2- 3 questions about their technology that will promote discussion among the other class members.The presentation should end with recommendations for further research or assessments pertaining to thetechnology. Presentations should be 20 – 25 minutes in length.Evaluations of other teams: students are expected to evaluate one other teampresentation and complete a Peer Evaluation form for submission. Know whichteam you are to evaluate and take notes during the presentation so that theseforms can be appropriately completed.Week 8: Peer Review (30 possible points, individual grade)Students will find a Peer Evaluation form in DocSharing. Each student
is required to fully complete theevaluation of one other team’s presentation. The team to be evaluated should be clearly identified, and allquestions should be answered using fu…

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