Final Project Foreign Destination Research Project
Written Assignment Grading Form for Foreign Destination Research Project, Due in Week 9Content and Development200 PointsAll key elements of the assignment are covered ina substantive way. The paper should include:The paper is at least 1,750 words in length.An introduction explaining your destination ofchoice.The following demographic information:oooooBackgroundGeographic locationClimatePopulationMedian ageTravel warnings, public announcements,and any other special interests for thedestinationA description of one dining establishmentfrom each of the following categories, as wellas three services provided by each:ooooCasual diningFine diningSpecialty restaurantEthnic restaurantA description of one lodging facility fromeach of the following categories, as well asthree services provided by each:ooooBudgetCommercialResortBed and BreakfastA description of three modes of travel thatcan be used to reach your destination, with thetravel time and cost of eachA description of four tourist attractions youwould like to visit and an explanation of whyyou want to visit themA minimum of four sourcesA conclusion summarizing the main topicsof the paper.The content is comprehensive, accurate, andpersuasive.Points EarnedXX/160Additional Comments:The paper develops a central theme or ideadirected toward the appropriate audience.The paper links theory to relevant examples anduses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.Major points are stated clearly; are supported byspecific details, examples, or analysis; and areorganized logically.The introduction provides sufficient background onthe topic and previews major points.The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of thepaper, and reviews the major points.Readability and Style25 PointsParagraph transitions are present, logical, andmaintain the flow throughout the paper.The tone is appropriate to the content andassignment.Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied.Sentence transitions are present and maintain theflow of thought.Grammarly report includedMechanics25 PointsThe paper—including tables and graphs, headings,title page, and reference page— is consistent withAPA formatting guidelines and meets course-levelrequirements.Intellectual property is recognized with in-textcitations and a reference page.Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation arefollowed.Spelling is correct.Citations includedTotal250 PointsOverall Comments:Points EarnedXX/10Additional Comments:Points EarnedXX/10Additional Comments:Points EarnedXX/180