Focus on PlotComplete and submit your first story
Focus on PlotComplete and submit your first story (approx. 5 pages if itwere typed, double-spaced).For this story, draw from your past, enhance and change, and tellthe story from a first person ( “I” ) perspective. Usesomething from childhood or young adulthood. But be carefulnot to write a story geared towards children. The material inWhat If? is useful to help dive for ideas (for example, theexercise from What If? “People of the Past, Characters of theFuture”). Let the events progress in chronological order. (It’stoo early to try fancy techniques like flashbacks.) Place anemphasis on having a plot line that develops and comes to aresolution. Watch that there are no gaps in the story and thatall events are logical in sequence.Please make sure that your work is well proofread. The storyshould be a nice polished final version.Questions You May Have… and a Few AnswersQ: Can I just retell something from my childhood?A: Borrow material from your childhood or earlier time in life,but turn this into fiction. Do not write a memoir.Q: Who is my audience?A: Consider your audience to be your classmates and yourinstructor (and, of course, whoever else you choose). Keep inmind we are writing for adult, college level readers. Also keepin mind that we need to maintain a certain level of civilityand decency.Q: Do grammar, spelling, etc. count?A: Yes! Good proofreading and skills with the conventions andtechnicalities of English writing are needed. While there ispoetic license and people are free to coin a phrase or use afragment deliberately and strategically for effect, generalconventions of writing are the standard.