Group report topics ACC202 Management Accounting
Group report topicscompany name TABCORP holdingACC202 Management AccountingStudent groups are to undertake a study of a business within a defined industry. The group is to create a formal report of their analysis and findings. The format for the report is provided below outlining the minimum section headings required:An Executive Summary(Maximum ONE PAGE summary of the contents of the report and your conclusions)Introduction(This is an introduction TO YOUR REPORT–NOT an introduction to your chosen subject company.)Background summary(This section should be VERY BRIEF–maximum of one half of a page– and include a VERY SHORT history of the company and its key ‘milestones’in its history.)Industry environment review(This section should include a PORTERS FIVE FORCES analysis and review the findings of the competitive environment within this industry.)Competitor review(This section should briefly list and compare the immediate competitors within the industry that your subject company directly competes.)Company review(This section should begin with a SWOT analysis of the actual subject company and begin a more detailed analysis of this company.)Additional details should include a review of the follow:Unique characteristics of this particular companyHow does it create value (Creation/ownership of Patents/designs/brands or other exclusive rights–it should be noted whether these were created internally or purchased by acquisition.)How does this company manage and develop this value (Through advertising/branding/innovation/acquisition of legal rights/takeover activity of competitors in recent years?)Management approach and organisation style of this company (Is there a dominant CEO or Chairman that imposes themselves on all aspects of the business (e.g. Richard Branson and the Virgin Brand.)Company strategy(Does this company have a COST LEADERSHIP or PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION approach to corporate strategic positioning?Summary of the Corporate Mission, Vision, Strategic goals (search the company website and the annual report for commentary especially in the Chairman and CEO’s Reports in the most recent three annual reports.)Financial summary(This should be no more than ONE PAGE and it would help if you could also cut and paste the FIVE YEAR financial summary (found in all Australian Annual Reports in the Financials Report) and a chart of the share price over the past 5 years (if you access it, otherwise just 3 years) to show a review of how the market perceives or views the company’s efforts as reflected in the share price. Note if the CEO has changed in the past five years, show the date of this appointment on this chart. (Insert an arrow or something similar.)ACC202ACC202 Management Accounting–Written Assignment Task Page1Summary of findings and the futureHas the company been improving its position in the market, is it on an expansionary path, is it now consolidating or even shrinking its market position?What about the future?`(After this extensive review, what do you think about the company’s position now and into the future? Is it adapting to changing environmental forces (e.g. responding to NEW ENTRANTS or the start of SUBSTITUTES coming to the market.)Please note that the CONCLUSIONS you write should be based on the information your group has discovered and written about and should be an OBJECTIVE analysis based on your own findings rather than just a general statement copied from some other site.Finally how do you think, the Management Accounting team would be most actively engaged in providing information to the management of this company.References(ALL sources of information MUST be listed here in the correct format–see below about the Harvard Anglia style.Copy and paste your question here…