basic characteristics Sociological profile Self-analysis Future prospects and conclusion
INTRODUCTION TOSOCIOLOGYInstructions for Personal ProjectWhat?Why?Write, over the next four weeks, apersonal ‘diary’ about yoursocialization: who you are? Howyou came to be who you aretoday? And the people, events,and institutions that had the mostprofound effect on you;(1) Apply some of the sociologicalconcepts we will cover over thenext few weeks(2) Get to know, and betterappreciate your unique lifeexperiences.Final product could take the formof a speech someone would makeabout you on the day you achieveyour life’s most important goal(3) build your sociologicalimagination and betterunderstand how society shapespeopleDetailsGrade: 25% of thegradeLength: < 10 pagesSubmit: July 31 (noexceptions!!!!!!)TitleSummary (200 words)Introduction& basiccharacteristicsSociological profileSelf-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionDetails (ctd…)Title & Summary (200words)Introduction & basiccharacteristicsSociological profileSelf-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionMy Sociological SelfIpsum next oan ffo off o osdfhssbkN dsf dsdl s lff lsnnn loon fffn nnoBasic CharacteristicsTitle & Summary (200words)Introduction & basiccharacteristicsSociological profileSelf-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionNameBirth place and date:Number of siblingsParentsPlace of birth and earlyupbringingCurrent physical andacademic features(other basic descriptors, as youfeel comfortable sharing)Sociological ProfileTitle & Summary (200words)Introduction & basiccharacteristicsSociological profile(Choose one or two)Self-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionSocial Mobility ExperiencePersonality profileIdeological profileSkills/intelligence profilesValues and Belief systemYour Country and your fitwithin this countryYour Mobility ExperienceYOUR PARENTSUpperCLASSYOUUpperclassUpper-MidClassLower-MidClassLowerClassUpper-MidCLASSLower –midCLASSLowerCLASSPersonality ProfileWhat is your type?Personality traitsassociated withthis type The opportunity to help peopleB. heTstarting salaryC. heTValue Systemplace of employment (I want to live near my parents)D. heTweather at the place of employment (I do not want to liveunder a harsh climate)E. heTnumber of vacation days per year (I want enough time to rest)F. heTopportunities for promotion (even if the starting salary is low)G. heTtype of co-workers I get (I want be around nice people)Thinking about the job you wouldlike after you graduate;H. heTintellectual challenge ( I want a job that makes me think andlearn new things)B. obJsecurity (I want to work on a job where people rarely get fired)Please indicate which of thefollowing factors are MOSTimportant to you.Rank these factors from 1 (mostimportant) to 9 (least important).Skills/ IntelligenceYour Society(Interesting Socioeconomic Data on your Country)Ideological Profile1.In general students who work hardget the best grades6.In political elections, the most honestand decent candidate generally wins;2.In general, people who have richparents tend to end up rich whetherthey deserve it or not.7.You can fool some people some time,but you cannot fool all the people allthe time.3.In most areas of life, connections(who you know) are more importantthan what you know.8.If you are a crook, you will certainlyend up in jail9.If you are nice, people will takeadvantage of you10.If you look at the world, the number ofnice people is much larger than thenumber of selfish and mean people4.Nice guys finish last5.The best artists in the world are thosewho have the best promoters, notthose who have the most talentUnderstanding theSocial Influences that Shaped YouTitle & Summary (200words)Introduction & basiccharacteristicsSociological profileSelf-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionMajor InfluencesParents and SiblingsFriendsSchoolsNeighborhoodsCountry at largeMajor eventsOther …How they affected me andwhy?Some examples of influenceUnderstanding the Social Influences thatShaped YouSociological Imagination2. Social Construction of Reality3. Conformity & Deviance4. Real vs Ideal Culture5. Hidden functions of Institutions6. The Looking Glass-Self7. Conflict and Consensus Perspectives8. Cultural Relativism9. Social and Cultural Capital10.Social /structural Influences1.Basic CharacteristicsTitle & Summary (200words)Introduction & basiccharacteristicsSociological profileSelf-analysisFuture prospects andconclusionWhat do I learn from thisas I plan my future andseek to increase that I willbe successful and happy?