We’re continuing to analyze the same company as in Modules 1 and 2.
We’re continuing to analyze the same company as in Modules 1 and 2.Additional information added in Module 2 •• One client indicated that they were interested in purchasing$42,500 worth of products. However, the client has not actuallycommitted to the purchase.The bookkeeper already corrected the sales account. However,the bookkeeper may have made a mistake when computing costof goods sold. She included total production costs for 2014 anddid not adjust ending inventory for the $42,500 worth of units leftat the end of the year. The amount of ending inventory wasdetermined using a physical count. Additional information for Module 3 ••• The company made a secondary offering of stock and raised anadditional $180,000 which includes $150,000 of Paid-in Capital.The company had already paid $15,000 in dividends beforedeciding on the offering.The company now has cash to invest in a piece of raw land onwhich to build in the future. The investment takes place beforeyear end. The cost of the land is $400,000, the down payment is$40,000 and a note to the bank covers the rest.Nybrostrand Company31-Dec-14Trial Balance (accounts in alphabetical order) Accounts payable Accounts receivableCashCommon stockDepreciation expenseCost of goods soldEquipment (net of depreciation)InsuranceInventoryLong-term debtMarketingPaid-in capitalProperty taxesRentRetained earningsRevenuesSalariesUtilities Total SLP Assignment ExpectationsPrepare a balance sheet for the company in good format.Update the balance sheet for the changes to income inModule 2 and also consider the effect of paying the dividend.You do not need to include the income statement.The submission should be 2- to 4-pages and need to includeanswers to all the questions listed above. Showcomputations, discuss the results, and include references in APA format.When your paper is done, submit it.