Assignment 2A: Research Paper Topic
Assignment 2A: Research Paper TopicYOUR NAME:The first step in developing your research paper is to identify your topic. The topic should be one in which you are interested in learning more about, and it must be a topic covered by the assigned readings of this course. Your topic should be specific, but you also need to ensure sufficient data and research exists to allow you to meet word count requirements. You can do this by conducting a quick search of the University’s library or the internet to get a sense of available academic resources. Remember, all references must be academic in nature. Wikipedia, blogs, and similar sources are not acceptable.Provide the following information about your topic:1. What is the topic of your research paper?2. In which chapter of the text is the topic discussed?3. What type of paper are you writing? (Use types from “Essay Development: Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers.”)4. Why did you choose this topic?5. What aspects of this topic do you intend to discuss?6. Based on your preliminary research, are you confident you can find sufficient academic data and resources to complete your paper?7. Do you understand that the instructor must approve your topic, and that you cannot change topics once approved?