2.1 Egypt and Mesopotamia Discussion
The themes of religion and
power dominate artwork from this era of art history. What is the
importance of these themes relative to the civilizations at the time?
How do these themes manifest themselves in works of art? Choose one
culture (Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, etc) and support your
answer to that one culture describing specific artifacts.
The goal here is an analysis of a single artifact in support of the
theme. Be sure to review week 1’s material on writing about art to help
you with structuring a response.Please remember to use MLA format when organizing your response.
This means proper in-text citations, captions for images, and references
for any work that is cited in-text.Be sure to return and discuss the prompt with your fellow
classmates. The goal is a search for the most “correct” response to the
prompt as a class.