HUMN 330 Ethical Autobiography Rubric
HUMN 330 Ethical Autobiography RubricLevels of AchievementCriteriaProficientSatisfactoryPoor24 (24%) to 29 (29%)The introduction is not clear orcontains an excess of information.The body of the paper shows lapsesin paragraphs or poor transitions. Thepaper does not effectively sum up themajor ideas of the paper.0 (0%) to 23 (23%)The introduction is vague orlacking. There are multiple lapses inparagraphs or the transitions areconfusing. The conclusion is lackingor weak.Organization(33%)30 (30%) to 33 (33%)Introduction clearly setsexpectations. The body of thepaper shows clear transitionsbetween major ideas. The paperends with a powerful conclusionthat decisively ends the paper.Language andStyle(33%)30 (30%) to 33 (33%)24 (24%) to 29 (29%)Skillful word choice that is precise Few minor errors seen in grammar,and always appropriate. Few tomechanics, and word errors (1% or less) ingrammatical or mechanicalerrors.0 (0%) to 23 (23%)Errors are so numerous that writingis difficult to comprehend.Content(34%)30 (30%) to 34 (34%)Paper shows deep insight intothe topic. Paper consistentlyfeatures in-depth discussion ofthe student’s values and theirorigins. Paper meets minimumlength requirements.0 (0%) to 23 (23%)Paper lacks in-depth discussion ofstudent’s values and their origin.Paper does not meet the minimumlength requirements.24 (24%) to 29 (29%)Paper shows some insight. Paperfeatures some in-depth discussion ofthe student’s values and their origins.Paper meets minimum lengthrequirements.0115