Lindenwood IIT 33100 – Starting up a project
Project Management Project Paper Objective 1 IIT 33100 – Starting up a projectTerm Paper Guidelines This paper will be based on what happens before a project starts and into the Initiation Phase. You are presented with a want or need and need to work on defining a solution that you will present to the potential project sponsor. Often times these steps are already presented to a PM and other times the PM is working with the research to propose the project as this paper requires.Your paper should sell the reader on the fact that there is a true need and that your solution is the appropriate action. This “does not” necessarily mean it is correct, but that you have presented it as such.Write a 750 – 1,000 word/ 4 – 6 page paper that analyzes: Summarize the problem Provide research that presents why the problem needs to be solved (eg., cost savings, revenue increase, market share increase, satisfy a regulatory requirement, etc.). Identify solutions considered (can be bullet points) Identify and provide details on the solution selected MLA standards apply Project Management Project Paper Will present this to the class as time permits 2 Project Management Project Paper 3 NOTES:I provide the word count / page counts as guidelines so that you can get a sense as to when enough is enough and is not too much. You may find a way to present something graphically with captioning that is as or even more effective than a lot of text.I like the effective use of lists, illustrations, charts and/or other props so long as they contribute to the content in a meaningful way. You should use some of these techniques.I am very big on grammar when it comes to formal papers. At this level you should be fully capable of a solid command of the English language in its written form. If you are not, find someone that is or seek out resources available from the University.Your paper should have at least 2 cited sources.I am available to review interim progress but would like to hold it to a maximum of two times and I will only provide general guidance.The idea is to display your understanding of the material and your ability to communicate it in a clear and professional manner.