NAMI organization (national alliance on mental illness)Organization Assignment 2
NAMI organization (national alliance on mental illness)Organization Assignment 2: Raising FundsObtain an annual report for the organization you have chosen. Based on a cursory review of thisreport, does your organization seek philanthropic donations or perform fundraising activities? Write atleast a short paragraph (at least 100 words) explaining your answer.Organization Assignment 3: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsComplete and submit a 3 to 5 page “quick and dirty” SWOT analysis of your chosen nonprofitorganization.Organizational Assignment 4: Fundraising CapabilityIf you have not already done so, visit the textbook Website. Scroll down until you see the files todownload.Download Form 1, “Key Indicators of Organizational Strengths and Capability.” (The Formsare listed after all of the Exhibits.) Use it to assess the fundraising capability of your chosenorganization. Submit the completed checklist to your mentor.In addition, prepare and submit 1-2 pages of writing that explain the conclusions you havedrawn about your organization’s fundraising capacities. Include also preliminary suggestionsconcerning the most important steps that should be taken, if any, to correct any deficienciesyou have found.Organization Assignment 5: A Case for SupportUsing the Comprehensive Formal Case Statement below, in addition to any additional information youcan find online to answer the following:On the basis of what you find and the questions outlined in the Comprehensive Formal CaseStatement, prepare a 3- to 5-page case statement for your organization.Be sure that your case statement points to or includes important aspects of the organizationsuch as its mission or vision statement and key objectives or goals that can be supportedthrough fundraising or philanthropy.Your case statement should explain the role that the various components (board, advisorycommittees, staff, etc.) of the organization play in developing resources.Organization Assignment 6: Current and Prospective DonorsExamine each of the following as background and resources for this assignment:Sample Prospect Report. This sample form shows typical information a nonprofit mightrecord about a prospective donor. (This document is also found in the “Forms, Examples,Resources” folder.)The Donor Cultivation System. This discusses ways to cultivate prospects.Three Ways to Identify a Major Donor. This article discusses ways to discover majorcontributors among donors you already know.Prepare a prospect report on one or more members of your organization’s board of directors. Basedon your organization’s board and information, identify current and prospective major donors orindividual donors.This information could be presented in a number of different formats. For this assignment, a Worddocument that includes a narrative overview accompanied by a table of the information will beacceptable.