JavaScript testing and system analysis
Project ProposalRan Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationProject name:JavaScript testing and system analysisProject Background:PERSONAL BACKGROUND:I am currently in my last year BICT studying in CPIT. In the past 3 years I have studied 4different programming languages which are Java, Jade, JavaScript and PHP. It helps builda basic programming concept for my future career.INDUSTRY BACKGROUNDBICT department in CPIT seek a student help them to create or re-design one of theirBICT course (code: PR280). So they need one student who has already learnt JavaScriptcourse in CPIT before to create unit test framework and 5 to 10 new test examples forPR280 practise test.The reason why BICT department want to make change is because as one of biggestinstitutes in New Zealand, BICT department want to make sure students can understandand using the latest version of the JavaScript skills. Moreover tutor can using unit testframework to check students’ code and give accurate feedback from that.Project Goal:To create or redesign at least 5 practise tests example and using unit testing framework tohelp teacher get feedback from students practise test.Expected Outcomes:For each JavaScript practise test it much contain “Before” and “After” version projectA Word instruction document which contain the entire requirement and what studentsneed to achieved for the practice test.1Documentation of each JavaScript practise test with good English and clearinstruction.In the “Before” project it will contain an original code which will break the JavaScript.Project Proposal2Ran Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationIn “After” project it must contain a standard answer for “Before” projectIn “After” project it should pass the Jasmine test and meet the instruction requirement.Project ProposalUsing jasmine.github for unit testing.Project Personnel:Project student3Ran Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationProject ProposalName:Tel:EmailRan Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationRan SupervisorName:Office:Tel:EmailMike LanceS661940 SupervisorName:Office:Tel:EmailLuoFeng XuN213940 Supervisor/Sponsor:Name:Rob OliverOffice:N213Telephone:(03) 940 Parameters (Time, Quality, Risk):Projected start date:Project starts 02/03/2015Prepare the project proposal (Draft + Final Version)Phase One: (2 weeks)Collection information such as jasmine.github and set up requirementsDocument existing Jade practice work and company testing project.Set up first JavaScript practice work (company test)Phase two: (2 weeks)Set up 2nd JavaScript practice test project.Test result for the 2nd JavaScript practice test.Write down the instruction for 2nd JavaScript practice test.Phase three: (1 weeks)Design 3rd JavaScript practice testTest result for the 3rd JavaScript practice test.Write down the instruction for 3rd JavaScript practice testPhase four: (1 weeks)Design 4th and 5th JavaScript practice testTest result for 4th and 5th JavaScript practice test.Write down the instruction for 4th and 5th JavaScript practice testQUALITYFOR STUDENT :4Project ProposalRan Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationUsing good and understandable English such as not uncommon words , right spellingand right grammar for students to readClear instruction for students to understand what they need to achieve for thepractices test.Make sure the amount of practices tasks are cover the course outcome and can becompleted in one and half hourF OR TEACHER:Teacher can using as jasmine.github to check students’ practice result accurately.Jasmine can not only save the time for teacher to figure out test result but also it ismore flexible / changeable for different test requirement.The model answer is meet the standard of the course outcome.The model answer has not any coding mistake.RISKBUSINESS RISK:BICT department change the course outcome/requirement of BCPR280 (SoftwareEngineering 2)Do not have enough students to enrol BCPR280 (Software Engineering 2)courseThe key technology platform of JavaScript has been changedBICT department has decide to using another programming language to replace theJavaScriptOther university or institute using same course material as CPIT to teachingJavaScript course legal issue.· PROJECT RISK :The project cannot meet initial course requirement.The project cannot be finished on timeThe quality of project is not good enough. For example unit testing cannot find outfault.The project is too complex for studentThe project cannot be running in clients’ (students) environment.· PRODUCTION SYSTEM RISKThe gaps between course supervisors and project students are irreconcilable. Such asTimeline settingProduction developer do not have enough experience for this projectCannot support documentation for userVersion control of new production is not good enough. For example the new versioncannot fix the previous bug and created more new bugsCopyright issue such as using other company’s source code without permission· BENEFITSREALISATION RISKDeveloper’s product cannot prove enough practices for clients(students)Product cannot support client(teacher)Changing requirement are hardly to achieveNew product will take long time to bring the benefit for clients(teacher and students)Team member left and take the source code as well.· PERSONAL5RISKLose data for last version of product.Person programming skills is not good enoughHealth impact during developingUnpredictable disaster such as earthquake and snowingEmotional impact from externalProject ProposalRan Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationRISK ASSESSMENTMark scaleLowlikelihood1100-3132425155624734155323657557343226565571067712Cannot support documentation for userVersion control of new production is not good enough.For example the new version cannot fix the previousbug and created more new bugsCopyright issue such as using other company’ssource code without permissionDeveloper’s product cannot prove enough practicesfor clients(students)Product cannot support client(teacher)Changing requirement are hardly to achieveNew product will take long time to bring the benefit forclients(teacher and students)Team member left and take the source code as well.Lose data for last version of productPerson programming skills is not good enoughHealth impact during developingUnpredBICTable disaster such as earthquake andsnowingEmotional impact from external2Total9The project is too complex for studentsThe project cannot be running in clients’ (students)environmentThe gaps between course supervisors and projectstudents are irreconcilableProduct developer do not have enough experience forthis projectMediaHighimpact857101357711743147789564914109636BICT department change the courseoutcome/requirement of PR280 (JavaScript)4-7Do not have enough students to enrol PR280 course8-10The key technology platform of JavaScript has beenchangedBICT department has decide to using anotherprogramming language to replace the JavaScriptOther university or institute using same coursematerial as CPIT to teaching JavaScript course legalissueThe project cannot meet initial course requirementThe project cannot be finished on timeThe quality of project is not good enough. Forexample unit testing cannot find out fault.Reporting Procedure:Academic Supervisor: Mike Lance6Project ProposalRan Tao/ 11794747ProjectCE301 Cooperative EducationThe academic sponsor will take charge whole project process. Will have regular meetingonce or twice a week (Thursday afternoon or Monday Afternoon)in CPIT to talk aboutprocess of project. Mainly using Email to keep touch.Industry Supervisor: LuoFengIndustry Supervisor will give student technical support during the project building. Willhave daily meeting in CPIT BICT project room and report him by EmailAcademic Supervisor/Sponsor: Rob. OliverAcademic Supervisor/Sponsor will meet once or twice a week or by make appointment.Mainly in CPIT BICT project computing room and using Email to keep touch.The project plan:Check the project pla
n draft V1 from Ran Tao.mpp and project plan draft V1.xlsx for moreinformation7