A friend of yours, Brendan, runs a small customized software company
ScenarioA friend of yours, Brendan, runs a small customized software company. He’s excited about hisfirst opportunity to do business with a foreign company. He’s written an initial email to hiscontact at the company, and since he knows you have strong communications skills, he’s askedyou to look it over and help him make a good impression.I’ve created a fictional country, “Bantin,” for purposes of this activity.TaskRead Brendan’s email, and then compile some feedback that will help him create a moreculturally- sensitive message, use your own judgment as well.You can write your feedback in point form, or you can use a different font colour to add notesthroughout the message indicating areas needing attention. Explain to Brendan why theseareas are problematic and/or suggest alternative words or phrases. Some content may bealtogether unnecessary.MessageTO:FROM:DATE:SUBJECT:Frodo Ansandara <fansandara@inixim.com>Brendan Smartguy <brendan@managemax.com>October 15, 2014Office solutions for you!Hey there Mr. Ansandara,It was great to meet you when you dropped by our booth at the software conference in Torontolast week. How convenient that you were visiting Canada for business at the time theconference was running and that you got the inside scoop on what we have up our sleeves for2015.Thanks so much for your interest in our office management software packages. I’m sure folks inyour neck of the woods will benefit from the superior programs we’ve developed here atManageMax. We Canadians are rightly proud of our leadership in technology field, and we’realways happy to help out up-and-coming foreigners like you. I’d never heard of “Bantin” beforewe spoke, but I’ve done some research and it sounds like a lovely country – except for the fairlybackwards political system, right? I’m sure it must be frustrating trying to do business in such arepressive and non-democratic culture.By the way, I checked out your website too. Sweet design! I bet it will definitely make somewaves in your community. Couldn’t read anything on the website, of course – Bantinese is onestrange-looking language!As you requested, I’m writing to give you a few more details about our starter software packagefor small businesses. The starter package includes fully customizable programs based on threedifferent aspects of your company’s development: finances, personnel and logistics. Our guyswill talk through your software needs and expectations either via phone or via web conference.If your accents are too strong, though, maybe email communication would be the way to go,huh? Lol.Anyhow, prices for this starter package – and the more sophisticated options we’ve got on themenu – are available at on our website, ManageMaxofficesolutions.com. You people seem to berolling in the dough these days (gotta love being from an oil-exporting nation, hey?) so I’mconfident that you’ll find the costs easy to swallow.Hope to hear back from you soon, Frodo. Great name, by the way. I’m a huge Tolkien fan.TTYL,BrendanBrendan SmartguyHead Software DesignerManageMax Office Solutions