AB290: Experiential Learning: Career Engagement
Unit 9[AB290: Experiential Learning: Career Engagement]Unit 9 Final Project: Organizational/ProblemResearch PaperYour 5-page organizational research essay will require deep connection of practice to theory, with a minimumof five research resources used in your writing. This Project will serve as a showcase of your experience andaccomplishments throughout this experiential learning journey, highlighting your abilities to solve problems,capitalize on opportunities, work in teams, be a leader, and so on. You will be required to demonstrate criticalthinking, your depth of learning through connection of practice to theory, and to meet the criteria of the BloomsTaxonomy level of each course outcome and chosen professional competencies.InstructionsIn a 5-page organizational research essay, explain your depth of learning in relation to the course outcomesand professional competencies by answering the following questions:1. Explain the scope of each course outcome in relation to your experiences to demonstratecomprehension of the topic matter.2. Identify one problem or opportunity you observed during your experiential learning journey in relation toeach of the course outcomes.3. Thoroughly outline the problem or opportunity and propose an action plan to resolve the problem or tocapitalize on the opportunity using research.4. Provide specific examples of situations, circumstances, experiences, deliverables, etc. thatdemonstrate your mastery of each course outcome.5. Identify a minimum of four professional competencies practiced during your experiential learningjourney. Connect theories and concepts with your practical experiences and provide specific examplesof situations, circumstances, experiences, deliverables, etc., that demonstrate your mastery of eachprofessional competency.6. Identify your two most valuable experiences during your experiential learning journey and analyze, indetail, which course outcomes and professional competencies were related to these valuableexperiences.7. Based on the skills assessment work you completed, what do you see as your most significantstrengths? Discuss how this experiential learning opportunity helped your growth.8. Based on the skills assessment work you completed, what do you see as your most significantweaknesses? Discuss a plan of action to improve your weaknesses.Requirements:●●●●The research paper should be in APA format and citation style, a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced,and 12 point Times Roman font, 5 pages, not including title and reference pages).Minimum of five supporting references.For assistance in writing your research paper, visit the Kaplan Writing Center at the link found in theAcademic Tools tab in your course.Submit to the Unit 9: Final Project Dropbox.Unit 9[AB290: Experiential Learning: Career Engagement]Course OutcomesAB290-1: Recognize the impact of state and federal laws and regulations on business.AB290-2: Define the various tasks and responsibilities of managers in organizations.AB290-3: Discuss marketing principles used in business strategies.AB290-4: Use technology and software applications appropriate to business environments.AB290-5: Apply basic economic, finance, and accounting principles to organizationalenvironments.AB290-6: Analyze Career Skills in the field of business and management.Professional CompetenciesPC-1: Teamwork: Work in teams to achieve collective goals.PC-1.1: Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.PC-1.2: Contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration.PC-1.3: Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.PC-2: Leadership: Demonstrate leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully lead teams withinone’s profession.PC-2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.PC-2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.PC-2.3: Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and socialresponsibility within one’s profession.PC-2.4: Develop an inspirational vision or mission.PC-2.5: Model leadership skills by developing trusting relationships, respect, conflict resolution skills,and civic-mindedness.PC-3: Personal Presentation: Demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.PC-3.1: Conduct oneself to reflect the professional characteristics and culture of a given work setting.PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication andpresentation skills.PC-3.3: Convey competence through demonstrating characteristics such as reliability, accountability,and timeliness.PC-3.4: Project a professional image, such as appearance, confidence, and attitude, for a given workenvironment.PC-3.5: Engage in career development and advancement strategies, including effective networking,mentoring, and creating a personal brand.PC-4: Multiculturalism and Diversity: Leverage the strengths of multiculturalism and diversity for the benefit ofthe organization and community.Unit 9[AB290: Experiential Learning: Career Engagement]PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment.PC-4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversityimpacts an organization.PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.PC-5: Communications: Demonstrate professional written and verbal communication to achieve positiveresults.PC-5.1: Use language that is clear, concise, and organized.PC-5.2: Use appropriate communication for a particular audience.PC-6: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking and problem solving behaviors.PC-6.1: Incorporate data, inferences, and reasoning to solve problems.PC-6.2: Communicate the critical thinking process by which one arrives at a conclusion.PC-6.3: Integrate standards of the field and ethical principles into the problem solving process.Unit 9 Final Project: Organizational/Problem Research PaperPossible Score for this Project:TotalPercentTotal Points100%140Specific Paper Objectives: Assignment Checklist (83%):1. Explain the scope of each course outcome in relation to your experiencesto demonstrate comprehension of the topic matter.27.02. Identify one problem or opportunity you observed during your experientiallearning journey in relation to each of the course outcomes.15.01. 3. Thoroughly outline the problem or opportunity and propose an action planto resolve the problem or to capitalize on the opportunity using research.2. 4. Provide specific examples of situations, circumstances, experiences,deliverables, etc. that demonstrate your mastery of each course outcome.3. 5. Identify a minimum of four professional competencies practiced duringyour experiential learning journey. Connect theories and concepts with yourpractical experiences and provide specific examples of situations,circumstances, experiences, deliverables, etc. that demonstrate yourmastery of each professional competency.4. 6. Identify your two most valuable experiences during your experientiallearning journey and analyze, in detail, which course outcomes andprofessional competencies were related to these valuable experiences. 9[AB290: Experiential Learning: Career Engagement]5. 7. Based on the Skills Assessment work you completed, what do you see asyour most significant strengths? Discuss how this experiential learningopportunity helped your growth.6. 8. Based on the Skills Assessment work you completed, what do you see asyour most significant weaknesses? Discuss a plan of action to improve yourweaknesses. Style, Grammar, and APA (17%)Grammar and spelling8.0Met APA style formatting requirements8.0Reference list and citations are provided (minimum five). Reference list andcitations are provided.7.017%Gross Project Score:Less: Late Penalty without Extenuating Circumstances (Enter .2 for 1-7days late or .3 for 8-14 days late) >>>>>100%023.0140.00.0Your Project Score in PercentYour Project Score–Kaplan Points:140.0