Abramsky says in this article, in the United States
Clanton 1Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Abramsky, Sasha. 2005. DEMOCRAT KILLER? Nation 280, no 15(April):13-20.http://5453136406543424/ehost/detail?sid=e4192ec0-8c474473-b3aa8728c9f79078%40sessionmgr10&vid=1&hid=15&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=16634531Abramsky says in this article, in the United States, gun control has become apolitical issue, and becomes an important bargaining chip partisancompetition. In the eyes of politicians, gun control is as important as gayrights, health insurance and education. A Western regional primary, wouldmean the presidential candidate would have to be attuned to Western issues-and the gun issue would be important. It would force candidates to confrontthe gun issue more realistically, instead of just a blanket opposition. Freedomor security is difficult to choose for people, but the main measure of guncontrol for partisan is the political interest. The reason is gun control is one ofAmerican democracy, which is a very hard to make a choice.Clanton 2Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27David C. Stolinsky. 1984. Suicide, homicide and gun control laws: are they related?Guns & Ammo Dec. p30. http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA3537160&v=2.1&u=mlin_b_northest&it=r&pAs reported, America has the highest homicide rate and a high suicide rate allover the world. It is not accurate because many nations are not release theirmortality data. The author claims that there is no relationship between suiciderate and gun control law, and he also provides some examples. The rate is lowmay because of religion and culture factors rather than gun control laws. Also,homicide rates are not directly related to gun control laws. It is normal thatnations have different gun control laws are having the same rate. The authorscall on people to face the reality so that they can find the best solutions. Thisarticle sets many examples so that it seems reliable. We can use it to eliminatethe misunderstanding of gun control laws.Chase ClantonMr. QuongClanton 3ENG 11232015 February 27Devi, Sharmila. 2012. Researchers call for reform of US gun control policies. TheLancet.Volume380,Issue9853,3–9November,Pages1545.http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.neu.edu/10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61865-0In this article, the author calls on gun control policy. Private gun owners cansell their guns to people without deep investigate. There are about 3035 peopledied in America because of gun violent, which is seven times than the averageof all the developed countries. Thus policy should be created to prevent gunfrom three kinds of people, who has past criminal record, who younger than21 years old or who with mental diseases. The author also introduces a groupnamed NRA, which will be on the opposite side of gun control. However it isstill important to create a policy, which will saves lives of so many Americans.This article can act as our introduction; give readers a whole situation aboutgun control in nowadays and the importance to create a new policy.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Clanton 4Goss, Kristin A. 2006. The Missing Movement for Gun Control. Chronicle Of HigherEducation 53,no.9:66. ReligionandPhilosophyCollection.http://www.lexisnexis.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/hottopics/lnacademic/?verb=sr&csi=171267&sr=HLEAD(The+Missing+Movement+for+Gun+Control)%2BAND%2BDATE%2BIS%2B2006-10-20The author of this article described a phenomenon that the lacking of guncontrol movements is very serious in the United States. Then the author toldabout the accidents of guns abuse, for example: holocaust in the ordinaryschools, killing people in downtown area of the city, even the assassination ofcountry or state leaders, which should have formulated and implemented thegun control laws. Then author also indicated that after the discussion in thearticle, the different kinds of reasons of gun control legislation’s failure wereclear. What’s more, the author suggested that the changing of residents’behavior may lead gun control laws to being enacted.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Clanton 5Kleck, Gary. 2009. Mass Shootings in Schools: The Worst Possible Case for GunControl. American Behavioral Scientist 52, no. 10 (March): 1447-1464.http://abs.sagepub.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/content/52/10/1447Kleck describes that the Columbine school shootings event caused greatinfluence on the requirements of more gun controls. Gary Kleck is a professorof criminology and criminal justice at Florida State University. He contendsthat using the specific gun control can’t decline the death numbers of thevictims, and he also states that there is no big connection between two ofthem. On the contrary, Kleck claims that using school shootings events toadvertise particular gun control measures like restrictions on gun shows, childaccess prevention laws mandating locking up guns, and bans on assaultweapons offered the worst possible foundation for supporting gun control.This article fits into our topic, and it supports the background and scholarlyconversation to illustrate the disadvantage of gun control.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Lott Jr., John R. 2003. Guns, Crime, and Health. World & I 18, no. 10 (October)32.http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/ehost/detail?sid=ffc69413-09954cd5-a978502a59977a54%40sessionmgr198&vid=1&hid=102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWClanton 6hvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=mth&AN=10928011John R. Lott Jr. discusses the advantages and disadvantages of holding guns tothe people of United States. John R. Lott Jr. is a resident scholar at theAmerican Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. who is the author of TheBias Against Guns. In the first section, He uses the evidence to support hisstatements that having guns in home is a high-risk situation. Then, he claimsthat people have misunderstanding of the case of naturally curious childrenshooting themselves, because the government and media left the wrongimpression about these events on them. Moreover, Lott Jr. describes thefactors which may affect the crime rates, and he uses the data of US tocompare with the data of other countries. This article fits our group topicbecause it mentions both different sides of having guns in US.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Money talks; Gun control. 2013. The Economist 407, no. 8833 (April): 31.http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/ps/i.do?&id=GALE|A327557122&v=2.1&u=mlin_b_northest&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=wThis article describes the current gun-control legislation in April, 2013.Clanton 7Although, Barack Obama, the President of United States stepped up thepressure on Congress to pass this legislation, it still failed. The article claimsthat the real meaning of gun buy-back day, one of the gun-control measures, isthe way for governments to remove unwanted weapons from the country. Inthe former part, the article states that the gun buy-backs fail to reduce gunviolence, and just clearing out some old weapons which couldn’t use. In thelater part, the article claims that buy-backs may be more effective today thanbefore, because this measure have changed with times. Therefore, this articlefits our topic, because it focuses on the specific gun control measure anddiscusses both side about the benefits and disadvantages of gun control.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Shermer, Michael. 2013. Gun Science: How data can help clarify the gun-controldebate.ScientificAmerican308,no.83(May).http://www.nature.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/scientificamerican/journal/v308/n5/full/scientificamerican0513-83.htmlAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dataClanton 8and other research data, Shermer finds that gun is more likely to be used forcriminal firearms and suicide, rather than self-defense. Data also shows, insome states, men who have received a domestic violence are prohibited tohave gun ownership. The result is gun-caused homicides of intimate femalepartners have been reduced apparently. Shermer advocates promoting the ruleof law through legal channels to solve the problems and reducing the privatep
ossession of firearms and the proper use of weapons.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27The battle begins; Gun control. The Economist (January).http://ic.galegroup.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/ic/bic1/MagazinesDetailsPage/MagazinesDetailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Magazines&limiter=&currPage=&disableHighlighting=&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&action=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE|A315179040(accessed October 25, 2013).Clanton 9This article presents, not only for children in Newton, and guns each year inthe United States caused more than 30,000 deaths. Gun violence in the UnitedStates has gradually been rampant. People have become accustomed to thisphenomenon. Obama needs Congress to support the proposed extension of banon assault weapons. However the regulations have little effect, because insome states, the government tries to strengthen gun control, while other statesfirearm sales increase significantly. Whether the result of gun control iseffective depends on the agreements on all states.Chase ClantonMr. QuongENG 11232015 February 27Zornick, George. 2013. Gun Control and Congress. Nation 296, no. 3: 4-6. AcademicSearchPremier. http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/ehost/detail?sid=21acdbfc-5e51-4c2a-a9edf9f68fbee9d6%40sessionmgr198&vid=1&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=84629326 (Accessed: Oct 24, 2013)In the article, the author introduces to us that in 2012, a seriously shootingincident happened on Sandy Hood high school, Newtown, Connecticut. ThenClanton 10the author suggests that lacking of momentum and enthusiasm is the importantreason which lead U.S. Democratic legislators getting gun control legislationfailed eventually. However, the failure that didn’t stop President Obama fromleaving Congress behind to start a strong campaign of gun control. The authoralso points out that although the president of National Rifle Association madea lot of speech for American’s right to own a gun, but the author believe thatmany Republicans will always like to vote gun control legislation.