Assignment 4 – Appropriate Use of Technology
Assignment 4 – Appropriate Use of Technology Resources for Teachers (10%) (Objectives 3, 6)According to Marklein (2011), 79% of educators said that parents should be the main source of kids’ cyber knowledge and 36% of them said they had received no training in online safety. The National Cyber Security Alliance surmised that teachers are not prepared to educate students on the basics of online safety and ethics although 80% of the nation’s school administrators feel they are doing a good job teaching children about online safety (as cited in Marklein). So, perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle! Because we know that all young people are using online Internet technology in some way, we can agree that this is an issue that must be addressed by all of us – educators, students, parents and the community. Our students live in an unfiltered world and they need the necessary skills to be good “netizens.”In order to have our students properly prepared to operate safely in this world filled with virtual information and resources, our teachers must first have the skills to lead them. You have been asked to develop and implement a professional development session for teachers at your school to ensure social, ethical, and legal use of technology to support learning in schools. Your presentation must include:• The major points an Acceptable Use Policy (the do’s and don’ts). You may pull this information from the presentation you created for a previous assignment in this course.• The consequences for non-compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy• The major points of copyright laws related to use of images, music, video, and other digital resources and whom they might contact for assistance.• Strategies and resources (provide examples) for addressing learners with diverse backgrounds,characteristics, and abilities.• Adaptive/assistive hardware and software for students and teachers with special needs (provideexamples) and whom they might contact for assistance with identification, procurement and implementation.• Selecting and applying technology resources that affirm diversity and address cultural and language differences (provide examples).• Selecting and applying appropriate technology resources to promote safe and healthy use of technology in support of student learning (provide examples).• Recommendations for policies and strategies for achieving equitable access to technology resource for all students and teachers (provide examples).• A reference slide with links to related school/district policies (acceptable use for students and teachers, copyright adherence, diversity, equitable access, etc.)The points listed above should be presented in PowerPoint. You may use the Notes feature of PowerPoint if you want to include some additional talking points. Since your audience will be teachers, be sure to incorporate principles of adult learning as appropriate (TF-VII.C.1). There are some Web sites related to adult learning theory in the weekly lecture of this course. Use these as well as other course readings and research.Once you have created your presentation, Appropriate Use of Technology Resources for Teachers,you must present it to a group of at least three teachers. Use the test provided by the course instructor (or create a similar one of your own) as a pre and post-test to measure the results of the professional development activity. In a separate file (a Word doc.), report the pre- and post test results and summarize the feedback you received from the teacher-participants.To be submitted for this assignment: 1) a PowerPoint file of your presentation and 2) a Word document that includes the learning results of and feedback from your teacher-participants and your reflection on the development and implementation of the professional development activity (how do you think it went, what were the strengths/challenges, what might you do differently in the future).NOTE: Because this assignment is a field experience, you must submit a signed Field Experience Rubric Assessment Form. Review the directions for completing and submitting this form in your course syllabus. Your course instructor will provide a date by which the form must be submitted. Pre/Post-Test for Appropriate Use of Technology Resources for Teachers Name: ___________________________________________1 – It is a good idea to tell a buddy your password for logging in to instructional resources on the school network.2 – Digital divide is a term used to refer to the barriers faced by the unconnected.3 – It is okay to download a movie from the Disney Web site and show it in your classroom as a reward for good behavior.4 – The Fair Use Guidelines were developed to provide guidance to educators as they strive to comply with copyright laws.5 – Instead of downloading information or copying it and pasting it into a paper or lesson, you may provide a link to the source on the Internet.6 – Seeking materials that give an accurate and balanced portrayal of diverse backgrounds and cultures is not as important with digital materials as it is with print materials.7 – Students and parents are responsible for making any adaptations for technology resources to meet specific learning needs.8 – District/school acceptable use policies apply to students and teachers/staff.9 – To provide equitable access to technology resources for all students and teachers, we must provide a computer for each student and teacher.10 – Email is private communication between two or more people regardless of the computer on which it is sent or received.Tell me one new thing you learned today.What is your biggest “technology challenge” in the classroom today?