At the present time, the priceAf?cA????1A????1earnings ratio
At the present time, the priceAf?cA????1A????1earnings ratio (stock price per share divided by earnings per share) of other firms in CarsonAf?cA????1A????1s industry is relatively low but should rise in the future. Why might this information affect the time at which Carson issues its stock?b. Assume that Carson Company believes that issuing stock is an efficient means of circumventing the potential for high interest rates. Even if long-term interest rates have increased by the time it issues stock, Carson thinks that it would be insulated by issuing stock instead of bonds. Is this view correct?c. Carson Company recognizes the importance of a high stock price at the time it engages in an IPO (if it goes public). But why would its stock price be important to Carson Company even after the IPO?d. If Carson Company goes public, it may be able to motivate its managers by granting them stock as part of their compensation. Explain why the stock may motivate them to perform well. Then explain why the use of stock as compensation may motivate them to focus on short-term goals even though they are supposed to focus on maximizing shareholder wealth over the long run. How can a firm provide stock as motivation but prevent its managers from using a short-term focus?