California condors are rapidly disappearing
California condors are rapidly disappearing. This bird is a California condor. Therefore, this bird should disappear any minute now.AnswerDivisionHasty generalizationFalse AnalogyComposition5 points Question 2A woman’s place is in the home. That’s the way it’s always been, so that’s the way it ought to be.AnswerTraditionCompositionPost hoc ergo propter hocBandwagon5 points Question 3The secretaries have asked us to provide a lounge area where they can spend their coffee breaks.This request will have to be refused.If we give them lounge areas, next they will be asking for spas and swimming pools. Then it will be racquetball courts, tennis courts, and fitness centers.Expenditures for these facilities for the secretaries will drive the company into bankruptcy.AnswerCircular reasoningPost hoc ergo propter hocAuthoritySlippery slope5 points Question 4Karen has just moved in with her boyfriend. She claims that living together before marriage is ethical since everyone is doing it now.AnswerBandwagonEither/Or fallacyDivisionNo fallacy5 points Question 5When a car breaks down so often that repairs become pointless, the car is thrown on the junk heap. Similarly, when a person becomes old and diseased, he or she should be mercifully put to deathAnswerDivisionHasty generalizationFalse AnalogyComposition5 points Question 6If you find yourself paralyzed in bed for a few moments and see little creatures by your bed, you might conclude that you had experienced some kind of UFO alien abduction.AnswerHasty generalizationPost hoc ergo propter hocExtravagant hypothesisIgnorance5 points Question 7The twenty-story Carson Building is constructed of concrete blocks. Each and every concrete block in the structure can withstand an earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale. Therefore, the building can withstand an earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale.AnswerDivisionHasty generalizationFalse AnalogyComposition5 points Question 8Opinion poll question: Do you favor more money for welfare programs, or do you feel we should let people starve on the streets?AnswerCircular reasoningEither/Or fallacy/>Post hoc ergo propter hocBandwagon5 points Question 9We know that induction will provide dependable results in the future because it has always worked in the past. Whatever has consistently worked in the past will continue to work in the future, and we know that is true because it has been established by induction.AnswerCircular reasoning/>Post hoc ergo propter hocAuthoritySlippery slope5 points Question 10White sheep eat more than black sheep (because there are more of them). Therefore, this white sheep eats more than that black sheep.AnswerDivisionFalse analogyEquivocationNo fallacy5 points Question 11Professor Glazebrooks’s theory about the origin of the Martian craters is undoubtedly true. Rudolph Orkin, the great concert pianist, announced his support of the theory in this morning’s newspaper.AnswerAuthorityCircular reasoningGeneticSlippery slope5 points Question 12On Friday I took Virginia out to dinner. She told me that if I wasn’t interested in a serious relationship, I should forget about dating her. On Saturday I took Margie to a film. When we discussed it afterward over a drink, she couldn’t understand why I wasn’t interested in babies. Women are all alike. All they want is a secure marriage.AnswerHasty generalization/>Post hoc ergo propter hocExtravagant hypothesisIgnorance5 points Question 13No one has ever proved that the human fetus is not a person with rights. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong.AnswerIgnoranceCompositionAuthorityCircular reasoning5 points Question 14The students attending Strayer University Online come from every one of the fifty states.Rachquette attends Strayer University Online.Therefore, Rachquette comes from everyone of the fifty states.AnswerBandwagonEither/Or fallacyDivisionNo fallacy5 points Question 15All persons act in order that they might get pleasure.Even so-called altruistic persons who help others so much that they do almost nothing for themselves get pleasure out of giving.Otherwise, they wouldn’t do it. Suppose a person hits himself over the head with a hammer.He must get pleasure from it, because why else would he do it if he didn’t get pleasure from it?AnswerCircular reasoningCompositionEither/Or FallacyPost hoc ergo propter hoc5 points Question 16Rhubarb pie is a dessert. Therefore, whoever eats rhubarb pie eats a dessert.AnswerBandwagonEither/Or fallacyDivisionNo fallacy5 points Question 17Only short poems can be good, not long ones. Of course, many so-called poems, such as Paradise Lost,take up a large number of pages. But if they are any good, they must really be collections of short poems, because a long poem as such cannot be of any great value.AnswerCircular reasoningEither/Or fallacyPost hoc ergo propter hocBandwagon5 points Question 18Pope John Paul II has stated that artificial insemination of women is immoral. We can only conclude that this practice is indeed immoral.AnswerCircular reasoning/>Post hoc ergo propter hocAuthoritySlippery slope5 points Question 19Either we have prayer in our public schools or the moral fabric of society will disintegrate. The choice should be obvious.AnswerCircular reasoningCompositionEither/Or FallacyPost hoc ergo propter hoc5 points Question 20Televangelist Jerry Falwell said that God’s anger with feminism led to the destruction of the World Trade Center. Given Falwell’s closeness to God, we have no alternative than to blame the feminists for this atrocity.AnswerIgnoranceCompositionAuthorityCircular reasoning