Capella FP4124 – Marketing communication plan
Design a 3–5-page marketing communication plan for a health care product or service.In addition to word of mouth, sales, and direct marking, incorporate into your marketing plan the following eight steps to develop effective marketing communication:Identify the target audience.Determine the communication objectives.Design the communications.Select the communication channels.Estimate the total marketing communications budget.Decide on the media outreach.Measure the results.Manage integrated communications.Also include in your assessment an Excel spreadsheet that helps you establish your budget for a marketing communication plan.You may choose to use the Marketing Budget Plan Microsoft Office template linked in the Resources to assist you with the spreadsheet.Additional RequirementsInclude a title page and a references page.Include an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.Include a minimum of three research resources.Follow APA guidelines for style and formatting.Ensure your finished assessment is 3–5 pages in length, excluding the title page and references page.CriteriaDescribe word-of-mouth marketing communication methods used by individuals in the marketing profession.Describe sales marketing-communication methods used by individuals in the marketing profession.Describe direct marketing-communication methods used by individuals in the marketing profession.Explain how to identify a target audience in a marketing plan.Explain how to use integrated communications in a marketing plan.Describe the communication channels utilized in a marketing communication plan.Design a budget for a marketing communication plan.Explain the quantitative results of a marketing communication plan.