Cinema is a powerful medium to illustrate social, cultural, political, family, religious, and psychological issues
MOVIE REVIEWCinema is a powerful medium toillustrate social, cultural, political, family,religious, and psychological issues.According to film studies professor, IanChristie, cinema takes in reality and “feeds itto us in bite-sized chunks.” Food oftenassumes a prominent role in movies becauseit is universal and can serve as a commonreference point. Your assignment is to watcha movie where food provides the structure tothe plot or the major dramatic focus of thefilm.Your paper should include the followinginformation:1.Name of Movie.2.Date of Movie, Producer, Director,Featured Actors and Actresses.3.A short summary of the plot of themovie.4.What role does food play in themovie?5.How does the movie use food toillustrate social, cultural, political,family, religious, and/orpsychological issues.6.What kind of personalrelationships do the charactershave with food?