Consider political, cultural, economic, social, and religious importance, as well your product’s history
Cocaine Paper• 1800-2000 words.• Use at least FIVE scholarly sources.• Your individual paper does not have to include every aspects of a commodity. It could be a product of your part of research inside the group.• Nevertheless, your paper must include a solid argument, proper analysis, and clear organizing of points.1.Times New Roman, size of 12./DOUBLE-SPACE2.Footnotes (Chicago style).3.In-text citation for in-class material.4.Bibliography is required.• Two fundamental requirements1.It must be a commodity ; Commodity I chose is **Cocaine**2.It must be examined from a global perspective.Cont. Cocaine Paper• Consider political, cultural, economic, social, and religious importance, as well your product’s history.• Why was the given commodity important or well suited to the place under study?• How was it acquired? How did the requirements of the commodity production shape the labor force,and thus the society of this place?• What was the role of the state or other local power structures in promoting or restraining this industry?• In what way did dependence on the commodity cause friction in society? Or lead to cooperation? Why?• When and why did this commodity culture decline? (if applicable) What kind of effects did this declinehave?References to use**Please use at least 5 scholarly references from these pages. If you need another references otherthan these links, you can gather and used that references to write.5 to 6 scholarly references are recommended•••, David R. and Fazey, Cindy S. J.: The Mechanics and Dynamics of the UN System for International Drug Control, 14 March 2003.•Wright, S. (2003), White mischief – a cultural history of cocaine. Tim Madge (2001). Mainstream Edinburgh. ISBN 1-84018-405-1.Spirituality Health, 4: 50. doi: 10.1002/shi.182••General history of Cocaine••The two pages on history could help explain where it came fromReferences to use•• Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biography (only the intro though)•• (it’s a .org)….•2007 world drug report••Cocaine: History, Use, and Abuse•••Musto, David F. “America’s first cocaine epidemic.” The Wilson Quarterly(1989): 59-64.Allen, Frederick. Secret formula. HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.