CS401 – Marketing Management SPRING SEMESTER 2016 QUIZ # 3
Marketing ManagementSPRING SEMESTER 2016QUIZ # 3TOTAL MARKS: 20Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting quiz.• This Quiz covers lesson #: 29-36• Last date for submission of quiz # 03 is 9/4/16• All instruction will be considered during checking quiz. So, consider all these.• You must attempt the quiz solution (in word document) in the followingshape/form:Q no. Selected option1 a2 b3 c• No solution will be accepted against instructions.• Give the answer according to question.• Avoid choosing more than one option.• Make sure that you upload the solution before due date. No solution willbe accepted through E-mail after the due date.• Cheating or copying of solution is strictly prohibited; No credit will begiven to copied assignment.• Once you upload the quiz on LMS, it will not be replaced under anycondition.1) Which of the following is a part of the media that is specially designed toreach a very large or the whole population of a country?a) Mass mediab) Print mediac) Electronic mediad) Internet2) Which of the following is NOT the purpose of mass media?a) Advocacyb) Journalismc) Broadcastingd) Entertainment3) Which type of media has an advantage of “mass coverage” for promotions?a) Newspaperb) Radioc) Televisiond) Outdoor advertising4) Which of the following is NOT used for commercial advertising?a) Wall paintingsb) Billboardsc) Bus stop benchesd) Word of mouth5) For what purpose advertising slogans are used?a) Drawing attentionb) Marketing communicationc) Sales promotiond) Publicity6) In which type of commercial, information is conveyed through television?a) Broadcastingb) Informationc) Telecastingd) Billboard7) Which of the following is a NOT type of sales?a) Direct salesb) Aggressive salesc) Consultative salesd) Complex sales8) Who is much more knowledgeable about their product or service than theprospect?a) Sales personb) Managerc) Customerd) Whole seller9) Which of the following is NOT the tactics of negotiation?a) Presenting demandsb) Setting pre-conditionsc) Declining to speak firstd) Presenting product10) What is the other term used for negotiation?a) Loss-winb) Win-winc) Win-lossd) Loss-loss11) How marketing manager can develop strategies for each product usinginformation from sales force management system?a) Using communication mix variablesb) Using marketing mix variablesc) Using product mix variablesd) Using promotion mix variables12) How an increased productivity create competitive advantage?a) It reduces costb) It increases retailersc) It increases competitorsd) It reduces growth13) What is an outcome of communication and co-operation between salespersonnel?a) More productivityb) Successful sellingc) More market growthd) Successful team selling14) Identify the type of promotion in which companies use celebrities forpromotion.a) Personal sellingb) Sales promotionc) Publicityd) Public relation15) Companies are using public relation to support the sales:a) In short run onlyb) In long run onlyc) In short and long rund) None of the given options16) Which of the following is the combination of institutions through which aseller markets products to the user?a) Retailerb) Wholesalerc) Distribution channeld) Logistics organization17) Which of the following is readymade business transferred from one place toother?a) Whole sellingb) Retailingc) Franchisingd) Direct selling18) What will be the length of distribution channel for perishable goods?a) Shortb) Longc) Mediumd) None of the given options19) What is the intention of vertical marketing for retailers and wholesalers?a) Reduce costb) Reduce channelsc) Reduce controld) Increase control20)A vertical marketing system in which independent firms at different levels ofproduction and distribution join together through contracts to obtain moreeconomies or sales impact than they could achieve alone is referred as:a) Corporate VMSb) Conventional VMSc) Administered VMSd) Contractual VMS