Writing a 500–600-word essay which analyzes two readings (including one poem and one prose work)AssignmentIn the discussion forum for Week 4, you were asked to disprove Reuben’s contention that “modernist poets do not explicitly concern themselves with gender, race, or class issues” and discuss the exceptions to this statement by examining the relationship between the time period and gender, race, or class.For this assignment, you are asked to expand your discussion by analyzing two readings from this week’s list, but this time you must use one of the poems you discussed in the forum along with one prose work from the Week 4 reading list. That is, if you examined McKay’s discussion of class and race in the discussion forum, you may want to juxtapose the poem with Dreiser’s “The Second Choice,” or an excerpt from one of Dos Passos’ novels for this essay. Consider, too, how each author satisfies the modern attitudes Reuben identifies on the Perspectives in American Literature site and perhaps ”challenges tradition and reinvigorates it.” For “tradition,” think in terms of the American rights and/or values that are addressed in each piece.The essay should be 500–600 words, written in 3rd person, and should:Contain an appropriate introduction, thesis statement, organized body paragraphs, and a conclusion.Include textual references and direct quotations.Be properly formatted and documented in MLA style.Include a proper Works Cited page