final paper project in EN250 – analyze a work of literature
For your final paper project in EN250, you will be writing a medium-lengthliterary analysis incorporating research sources.CONTENT:For your final paper, you will analyze a work of literature from the choicesbelow using the literary theory connections to psychology or feminist theorywe’ve explored this term. You may focus solely on psychology, solely onfeminist theory, or you may incorporate aspects of both.STYLE and FORMAT:Your final paper will be 6-8 double-spaced, 12-pt font pages, with 1”margins on all sides (APA format required). You do not need to provide anabstract for your paper, but you will need both a title page and aReferences page (neither of these two pages count toward the 6-8 pagelength requirement). Use a traditional organizational structure withintroduction, stance-driven thesis with essay map, body paragraphs thatrelate back to subpoints in the thesis essay map, and a strong conclusion.RESEARCH:You will need to find at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources to use inyour paper. You may include more. This means you will need to spendample time exploring. You may supplement your peer-reviewed, scholarlysources with up to two web sources if you like (be sure to evaluate the websources to make sure they are not biased or presenting misinformation).FINAL PROJECT LITERARY CHOICES:John Guare’s play Woman at a Threshold, Beckoning (2003)Suzan-Lori Parks’ play Topdog/Underdog (2001)Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman (1949)Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll House (1879)Monica Ali’s story “Dinner with Dr. Azad” (2003)James Baldwin’s story “Sonny’s Blues” (1957)Judith Ortiz Cofer’s story “American History” (1993)Tillie Olsen’s story “I Stand Here Ironing” (1961)It goes without saying that for your final paper in this course, you should beincorporating your sources fairly and ethically–be a writer of integrity.Information on APA style and documentation can be found throughout thiscourse, from the Online Presentations to the “Classroom” link whichcontains the APA Resource Center to our Supplemental Links in eachweekly module.I will be submitting all papers through our in-course plagiarism detectionsoftware.