Generating Ideas for Writing
Generating Ideas for Writing Writing is a selection of words and sentences, which helps in expressing ideas, information, thoughts, and feelings. Writing is a process of using words and phrases to interact and communicating with readers and audience. While writing, it is essential for the writer to consider the different ideas that strike the mind regarding the topic of writing. Writing is a collection of words and letters combined together to form meanings. Writing is a part of every language, and has played a unique role in every individual’s life. There are different forms of Writing, and different authors use different forms to express their ideas, feelings, emotions, pain, humor, love and thoughts. The author uses different words to express their inner thoughts and ideas, in such a way that the reader can understand and get the same feeling. Writing is part of education, as well as a part of life of people who show interest towards reading. It is the responsibility of the author to express his ideas in a way that the readers can understand it, and they find it meaningful, interesting, attractive and appealing. There are several novels, stories and poems which are preferred worldwide. Usually every literature has some theme and idea behind it, and the writer choses a theme according to their own preference. They express the theme and idea in a way that the readers can understand it. Some of the themes which are commonly used by the writers include suspense, romance, love, emotions, thriller, life, career, fiction, adventure, and many more.