Government levied $2,000,000 of General Fund Property tax
TransactionGovernment levied $2,000,000 of General Fund Property tax for the fiscal year with an estimated uncollectible amount of $400,000.123The General Fund paid $350,000 on the vouchers payable that were outstanding at the end of FY 2013.The General Fund paid the $13,000 reported as Due to Other Funds at the end of FY 2013. This amount was reported as Internal Payables to Business -type Activities at thegovernment-wide level.Assume that it is Tax Year 2014. Complete the yellow area for the General Fund only.Chart of Accounts for General FundCashTaxes Receivable—CurrentEstimated Uncollectible Current TaxesTaxes Receivable—DelinquentEstimated Uncollectible Delinquent TaxesInterest and Penalties Receivable on TaxesEstimated Uncollectible Interest and PenaltiesDue from Other FundsDue from State GovernmentInventory of SuppliesVouchers PayableTax Anticipation Notes PayableDue to Other FundsDue to Federal GovernmentDue to State GovernmentFund Balance—Nonspendable—Inventory of SuppliesFund Balance—Restricted—General GovernmentFund Balance—Restricted—Public SafetyFund Balance—Restricted—Public WorksFund Balance—Restricted—Health and WelfareFund Balance—Restricted—Culture and RecreationFund Balance—Committed—General GovernmentFund Balance—Committed—Public SafetyFund Balance—Committed—Public WorksFund Balance—Committed—Health and WelfareFund Balance—Committed—Culture and RecreationFund Balance—Assigned—General GovernmentFund Balance—Assigned—Public SafetyFund Balance—Assigned—Public WorksFund Balance—Assigned—Health and WelfareFund Balance—Assigned—Culture and RecreationFund Balance—UnassignedBudgetary Fund BalanceEncumbrances OutstandingEstimated RevenuesRevenuesAppropriationsEstimated Other Financing Uses—Interfund Transfers OutExpendituresOther Financing Uses—Interfund Transfers OutAccountDRCR