Hair and eye color, and colorblindness are traits that follow the complete dominance behavior
Hair and eye color, and colorblindness are traits that follow the completedominance behavior. Use letter A for the hair color, and the letter B for the eyecolor.John and Jane want to have a child and for that they want to check theirchances. John has brown eyes, brown hair; Jane has blond hair, blue eyes.John is colorblind, Jane is not and none in her family tree has ever had it.a.Knowing that John’s mother was blond and blue eyed, what is John’s genotype?b.What are the chances of John and Jane having a son with blond hair and blueeyes?c.John is color blind (XcY), Jane is not. What are the chances of John and Janehaving a colorblind child?d.What are the chances for John and Jane of having a daughter carrier of thecondition of color blind?e.John is blood type O (ii) and Jane is blood type AB (IAIB). Is there a chance ofhaving a child with blood type O? Explain.f.Following the information of question (e); John was married before and had a sonwith the prior wife. The son has blood type A. What is/are the possiblegenotype(s) of John’s son?g.Looking at your answer to the prior question (f), what are the possible genotypesof John’s ex-wife for her blood type?