HISTORY 355 – American imperialism refers to the military, cultural and economic impact
The 20th century witnessed the immensely consequential, if seemingly inexorable, rise and crisis of U.S. global power. Even as American prestige overseas reached historic lows in consequence of the IraqWar, U.S. overseas power and influence, what many term simply U.S. imperialism, nevertheless extends to the far corners of the earth with a sizable fraction of the total of roughly two million active andreserve American troops currently stationed in hundreds of bases in dozens of countries around the world. What were the crucial turning points, driving dynamics, and the prevailing justifications for this startlingdevelopment of the last century or more? That is, what phases has American imperialism passed through and what has driven this ongoing process? How have Americans justified it to themselves? Was thisprocess inevitable, or was it the result of specific decisions taken at specific times?Please write a 4 paragraph essay on this