provides students with quality homework content. With us, you have a guarantee of getting quality for your money. So here is how it goes:
1 Create an order and Provide Your Personal Details
Enter the details of your order and provide all the materials provided for your assignment by your professor. Provide us with your personal details if ordering for the first time. We will use this information if we need to contact you and to inform you once your assignment is complete.
2 Pay For Your Order
We have a secure payment system where we receive money through PayPal. We accept payment from your PayPal account, check, from your credit or debit card. While at it, we do not save your personal details. This ensures that we do not risk exposing your personal details to third parties.
3 We will assign your order to one of our highly qualified writers
After payment, we will assign your order to one of our experienced writers who has a history handling similar assignments. We do not want to risk with what is important for you. We ensure that your assignment is only handled by someone who will give you A-quality work. Each of our writers has a minimum of a master’s degree and is therefore able to exhaustively complete your assignment.
4 The writer researches for your paper and completes it within the set deadline
Our writers are trained to complete each assignment by first doing thorough research on the subject area. This way, they are able to deliver a quality paper that is completely free from plagiarism and quality issues.
5 The paper is edited by an specialist before it is sent to you
Sometimes, thorough is not enough to provide you with a high quality paper. We have qualified editors to go through your paper and spot issues that your writer may have missed during the writing process. Our editors go an extra mile to verify the details in your paper and identify contradictions. If issues are identified, at this point, the editor may recommend your paper for revision or make the necessary amendments.
6 You receive an email and can download your paper
Our system is set to send you an email notification as soon as your assignment is set as complete. You may now download your paper.
7 Review your paper
We always advise our customers to review their assignments before submission. Sometimes, you will identify an issue that is discouraged by you professor or institution. If this happens, feel free to chat with one of our agents or just setting your paper on revision. Remember to explain what the issue is with your paper and we will address it exhaustively.