How past child abuse effect the way one will parent with their child
Research question:
“How past child abuse effect the way one
will parent with their child”
Ethnography would be the approached used to
address this research. Ethnographic
research attempts to understand the culture or way of life from the point of
view of participant (Greenstein and Davis, 2013). Using this approach I would need to observe
the family within their natural environment. I would also conduct one on one
interview with members of the family to gain a deeper understanding. All of
this would take place in the family’s home, if allowed, allowing the family to
be more comfortable and hopefully provide the most honest interactions for the
researcher to observe. Observing these family habits, conversations,
interactions and life events speaks directly to ethnographic research (Sprenkle
& Piercy 2005). This particular topic interests me because I have seen many
adolescent clients have trouble dealing with anger and or behavioral issues and
I find that the manner in which they are being disciplined or the lack of
discipline has stemmed from something within the parents pasts. They have had some sort of experience causing
them to parent the way in which they do. I have found this topic interesting
and would like to explore it.
Greenstein, T. N., & Davis, S. N. (2013). Methods of
family research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
SAGE Publications. ISBN: 9781412992831.
Sprenkle, D. H., & Piercy, F. P. (Eds.). (2005).
Research methods in family therapy. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Does the research question clearly articulate an issue related to
family therapy? What refinements to the wording might you suggest?
Evaluate the research approach chosen. Does it work? What does not
work? Would you propose any changes?
provide APA reference and it must be at least 250 words