HRM5000-8 > HR in the Global Environment
HRM5000-8 > HR in the Global Environment > Week 7Syllabus ID: 32755Week: 7Introduction:High Performance Work SystemsOrganizations that encourage creativity, innovation, and systems thinking become highperformance work systems. When human capital systems are designed to foster collaboration,integration of disciplines and cross functional design and development, the organization’soutputs tend to be of higher quality and processes are streamlined to meet lean manufacturing orsystems guidelines. Developing a high performance work system requires intensive applicationof human resources disciplines and design.Valuing conflict that provides the tension for growth and development is a foundation of a highperformance work system. Understanding the difference between conflict that is tension forgrowth and conflict that blocks creativity and innovation is important for all high performancesystems. Balancing the tension between positive and negative conflicts is essential.Review the resources listed in the Books and Resources area below to prepare for this week’sassignment(s).Books and Resources for this Week:BooksReferenceInstructionRead Chapter 16, S., & Bohlander, G. (2013)on#X2ludGVybmFsX0J2ZGVwRmxhc2hSZWFkZXI/Managing human resources.eG1saWQ9OTc4MTExMTUzMjgyNi82OTg=Document/OtherReferenceFilms Media Group. (1995). America as aInstructionLeader in the Global Marketplace.Boeing reinvents the airplane. Videourl= Media Group. (2010). Humanresources: People and partnerships:Collaboration and Risk Taking [VideoFile]. Videourl= 7 Discussion: Discuss Your Thoughts Regarding Conflict ResolutionActivity DescriptionThe goal of this discussion is for you to summarize your thoughts on the key points of conflictresolution. Being able to successfully describe the benefits and limitations of resolving a conflictis a key element to understanding human resources management. This discussion will be openended to afford you the opportunity to interact with your course instructor and possibly otherstudents.Please note that your content post is due by 11:59:59 on Wednesday of this week.Once this is complete, please post a response post by 11:59:59 on Sunday, the due date for thisweek.Length: Content post 150-200 words; response post 75-100 words.Both your content post and your response post should reflect a collegial attitude, be free ofgrammar and spelling errors, and include criteria mentioned above.Post your discussion in the discussion field below.Learning Outcomes4.0 Apply effective human resources staffing management techniques as they apply toindividual performance.6.0 Analyze the primary objectives of personnel administration and their contributions topersonal and organizational***ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTION***HRM5000-8 > HR in the Global Environment > Week 7 > Analyze Key Elements of a WorkSystem (Graded, Required)Syllabus ID: 32755DownloadPrintWeek 7 Assignment: Analyze Key Elements of a Work SystemActivity DescriptionYou completed a communications and training initiative for an online university where the vastmajority of employees are virtual. The same context will be used to complete this assignment. Ina paper, identify and outline the key elements of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) foran online university setting. In your analysis, answer the following and be sure to providespecific examples where applicable:1.Would it be possible to properly implement HPWS in an online institution ofhigher education?2.If your answer is yes, how would you implement HPWS as an HR team leader?3.What are the barriers to implementation if your answer to the question is no?What recommendation would you provide in this instance?Support your paper with a minimum of two (2) resources, which may include your required text.In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including olderarticles, may be included.Length: 3-5 pages not including title and reference pagesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented inthe course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your responseshould reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to NorthcentralUniversity’s Academic Integrity Policy.Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below.Learning Outcomes4.0 Apply effective human resources staffing management techniques as they apply toindividual performance.6.0 Analyze the primary objectives of personnel administration and their contributions topersonal and organizational behavior.