HSM HSM210 – What have been the most significant changes in human services
1-What have been the most significant changes in human services over the past 50 years? Howhas society’s responsibility to individual needs changed in the last 10 years? What do you think therole of human service workers will be in the future?2-I have a question to pose to you, and the class with regards to human services. How so youpersonally feel when you see people getting these services such as housing, food vouchers, energyassistance etc, and you know for a fact that they are not eligible for one reason or another. Youknow that they are working the system, and because this person is receiving the help it cuts down onthe help that a truly needy person/family would get.. What would you do in a case like that, wouldyou let it be or would you alert the proper people?3-Hey, yes that is true! I see the older generations that come into the hospital where I work, andcan’t afford a deductible or a copay and they will not initiate/complete an application for charity carebecause they are proud, too proud to a "hand out". But younger generations have absolutely noproblem with accepting charity care. I’m not too sure why that is, but I happen to see that a lot.What does that say about out generation, that we understand that we all may need a helping hand,or that we are slackers?