Identity while interpreting primary sources
HIST 103Paper 1 AssignmentDue March 23(4-5 double-spaced pages)Paper 1 gives you the opportunity to evaluate the theme of identity while interpreting primary sources.For this assignment, you will select 1 biography to analyze. I included a list of short biographies below.Plutarch, Alexander the Great, Tiberius Gracchus, Julius Caesar Deeds of the Divine Augustus St. Perpetua & Felicitas Life of St. Boniface Confession of St. Patrick, Life of Charlemagne paper should consider how life stories shape the memory of the important people and their timeperiod that we still study today. Things to think about: 1. the key traits examined (for praise or criticism)in the life story 2. What does the individual’s story say about life in their time? 3. How do factors likegender, social position, work, and religion play a role in the individual’s story and experiences?This is a formal writing assignment (essay form) and your paper should have a title, thesis and includeorganized and thoughtful examples to make your case. A thesis is an informed position that you arguein your paper. In other words, your paper should be organized around a specific goal (your argument)and all the details you include should help you achieve that goal. It is helpful for you and the reader, toconvey a clear idea of what you will argue at the beginning of the paper, in your introduction. To makeyour points, you should use specific examples and quotes from the readings. Explain how thoseexamples make your case. Think of this paper as your attempt to interpret (explain what they tell usabout the time) primary sources from class. You will have the option to re-write the paper afterconsulting with me.CitationWe will discuss citing your paper in class. Please refer to the Rhode Island College History DepartmentStyle Sheet for citing your sources. Remember to cite ALL material you read and reference in your paper.This includes any websites, books, or articles that you quote or consult to help you write your paper.Failure to cite material you used may result in a zero for the assignment. See website for citation details. A paper proves that you read, understood, and carefully considered the readings. It showssignificant understanding of the readings and the ways the readings intersect with importanthistorical themes and issues. It has a specific and detailed thesis. An A paper demonstratesthoughtful assessment of the secondary sources and uses multiple—and detailed— examples andquotes to support all arguments and observations.A B paper proves that you read and understood the readings and began thinking about itsimportance. The paper makes an argument. It provides a good summary or considers the mainpoints; but, may lack depth of understanding of main points and/ or multiple, detailed examples.A C paper provides little evidence of engagement with the reading and does not use specificexamples. The paper lacks an argument or is disorganized. It often is a brief or incomplete summary,and it may also fall short of the length requirement.A D or below paper shows no engagement with the reading or is very short.