Is an online education just as legitimate as a traditional education
Essay Number One: The Toulmin ModelDue Date: 11:59 pm on Sunday, July 20Topic: Is an online education just as legitimate as a traditional education?Why or why not?You will need to take this real-world topic, develop a specific, arguable claim, andpresent an argument that follows the Toulmin model.Length: 750—1000 wordsResources: Three database articles (EBSCOhost Web, Proquest, and/or OpposingViewpoints.) No Web sources.Format: APA style. All sources must be cited using proper APA style. Include anAPA title page, abstract, reference page, and in-text citations.Sections Your Essay Must Have:1. Introduction/Lead-In2. Claim (Note: The claim is similar in nature to a thesis statement)3. Data (Grounds), Warrants, and Backing. (Note: Each data [or grounds] willact as a supporting point for your claim. You will need at least threesupporting points for your claim). Each data/ground, along with its warrantand backing, should be presented in a single paragraph. See the chart onpage 154.4. Qualifier (Note: You must have one fully developed qualifier in your essay).See the dress code example on pages 155-156. This is a good example ofhow a qualifier works.5. ConclusionEvaluationStructure and Organization: Adherence to the conventions of the Toulminmodel, construction of argument, focus, transitions from one idea to thenext, a thorough exploration of the chosen topic, etc.Grammar and Spelling: Essays are expected to conform to standardgrammatical rules.Language: Articulate and clear arguments, variation of sentence types,complexity of language, appropriate word choice, economy of language, etc.Length and Development: Full development of ideas, paragraphs, inclusionof examples, etcAPA formatting: Correct use of APA style and formatting, proper in-textand reference page citations, etcReminders:Given the length of this paper, no block quotes may be used. That being said,your quotes need be under 40 words in length.This essay must follow the 70/30 rule. 70% of the essay should be yourpoints and your ideas. No more than 30% of the essay may come fromresearch (quotes, paraphrases, summaries).Regarding Turnitin.comNote:Please upload all assignments onto; do not cut and paste.Only .doc, .docx, and .rtf files are accepted; I cannot access and comment on .txtfiles, so I can’t accept them.